Sometimes when hitting the "Start ABM..." button on the app (in the middle of an existing run) nothing happens.
Error message (server-side): SignalHub.register() failed: receiver signature already exists. Clash when registering Model: wo vis: for sync with m.turnSignal
Meaning: I'm not cleaning up properly inside of an individual session when resetting the modelling contextual parameters, including deleting the registered receiver for Model.vis()
Known issue:
Sometimes when hitting the "Start ABM..." button on the app (in the middle of an existing run) nothing happens.
Error message (server-side):
SignalHub.register() failed: receiver signature already exists. Clash when registering Model: wo vis: for sync with m.turnSignal
Meaning: I'm not cleaning up properly inside of an individual session when resetting the modelling contextual parameters, including deleting the registered receiver for Model.vis()
Workaround: just reload the browser window.