Closed Barben360 closed 5 years ago
Thanks @Barben360 . So I'm on Windows and I when I try to use unicode emoijis in any terminal they either don't show up or show up wrong, support seemed to get worse with the last update. Not sure if its the terminal setup I have or what. So I am curious what OS you are using.
As far as implementing this option. Sure. I am curious how to set up an option in an extension. I will get on it.
So I added the config option. colon syntax is default. i could not test in my actual terminal but the console log looked right.
Hi, @benjaminadk, thanks for considering my request! About Windows and recent emojis, I think you can solve it using the fonts of this project:
Thanks I will def check that out. And thanks for requesting a feature!
In my projects, I'm directly using unicode emojis instead of their text code (e.g 📈 instead of :chart_with_upwards_trend :). This way the gitmoji only takes 1 character.
Feature request: be able to choose whether to use unicode or text.
Thanks for the extension which is a great start!