benjaminkent / assignments

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Week 02 Day 1 - Octodex #4

Closed gstark closed 6 years ago

gstark commented 6 years ago

GitHub has a great mascot called OctoCat. OctoCat even has it's own gallery of variations, created by GitHub itself and fans, called Octodex.

Unfortunately, the Octodex is not responsive*! Today, your task is to recreate the layout of The Octodex as closely as possible, but make it responsive. You can use all the tools you have at your disposal to get the job done. Use your browser's Developer Tools to inspect their site to find the exact font sizes and padding amounts.

* Well, actually it uses javascript set the number of columns on page load, but we want to see interactive responsiveness when we resize our window!



Explorer Mode

Adventure Mode

Epic Mode

benjaminkent commented 6 years ago

explorer mode complete - ,

benjaminkent commented 6 years ago

The header when small was slightly off. Just fixed it

gstark commented 6 years ago

Great work!!

gstark commented 6 years ago

Awesome Work!