benjaminmayo / merchantkit

A modern In-App Purchases management framework for iOS.
MIT License
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Gets "Cannot Connect to iTunes Store" after upgrading plan #44

Closed denandreychuk closed 5 years ago

denandreychuk commented 5 years ago

Hi! I faced with a problem related to subscription upgrading. Not sure exactly if it's related to MerchantKit, but I I get "Cannot Connect to iTunes Store" every time I upgrade plan for auto-renewable subscription.

If I have already purchased, for example, "weekly" subscription and then tries to upgrade my plan to "monthly", I got "Cannot Connect to iTunes Store" after successfully complete transaction. The last part is weird. I got popup from Apple that everythings good, and that I was billed, and after that I receive error in didCommit delegate method of ProductInterfaceController.

Please, let me know you have any idea what could be the problem.

Best regard, Den

benjaminmayo commented 5 years ago

Is this testing on a real device?

denandreychuk commented 5 years ago

ye, on real device.

benjaminmayo commented 5 years ago

Hmm, I can't explain that then. I'd be surprised if it was a MerchantKit issue — but can't immediately rule it out.

denandreychuk commented 5 years ago

Any updates on this?

Also, I have one more question. Does MerchantKit support promoted products?

benjaminmayo commented 5 years ago

No idea on your initial problem. And yes it does support promoted products. By default, the purchase flow starts immediately when receiving a promoted product event. You can optionally override this behaviour using the delegate method func merchant(_ merchant: Merchant, didReceiveStoreIntentToCommit purchase: Purchase) -> StoreIntentResponse

benjaminmayo commented 5 years ago

Closing this as I cannot make progress on your initial issue with the description provided. If you can do more testing and nail down a MerchantKit problem, please open a new issue with details.