benjaminmayo / merchantkit

A modern In-App Purchases management framework for iOS.
MIT License
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Seems like MerchantDelegate Regression #51

Closed denandreychuk closed 4 years ago

denandreychuk commented 4 years ago

After updated to 0.14.0, MerchantDelegate don't calls didChangeStatesFor method in Sandbox when subscription expired. For example, I bought weekly subscription = 3 min period in Sandbox, but delegate method don't calls.

benjaminmayo commented 4 years ago

The validators now have an inbuilt leeway. The reason for this is that the iTunes Store server does not send renewal receipts in a timely fashion. It can sometimes take many days past the renewal date for the device to receive a fresh receipt. The current framework default is 30 days. You can customize the configuration if you need to use a different leeway period.