For US.#89 Instructors can see a summary of their students' ratings
Title: The dashboard displays to the instructor the concerned student's email and the average of all of their received assessments.
Objective: Verify that the dashboard correctly displays the email of the concerned student and the average score of all assessments they have received.
The instructor is logged into the system.
The dashboard is accessible and operational.
There are existing assessments for the student.
Test Steps:
Navigate to the dashboard as the instructor.
Locate the section displaying student information.
Identify the concerned student's email.
Verify that the email displayed matches the expected email.
Locate the section displaying the average assessment score.
Verify that the average score displayed is correctly calculated from all received assessments.
Expected Results:
The student's email should be correctly displayed to the instructor.
The average score of all received assessments should be accurate and correctly displayed.
Acceptance Test Description: AT-89.1
For US.#89 Instructors can see a summary of their students' ratings
Title: The dashboard displays to the instructor the concerned student's email and the average of all of their received assessments.
Objective: Verify that the dashboard correctly displays the email of the concerned student and the average score of all assessments they have received.
Test Steps:
Expected Results: