benjann / estout

Stata module to make regression tables
MIT License
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Is that possible to set a gap between tables? #38

Closed fredericky123 closed 2 years ago

fredericky123 commented 2 years ago

Right now, different tables only have one line space, difficult to locate each table. Can we set a second table begins from next page in Word? Thanks a ton!

benjann commented 2 years ago

Hi, to add page breaks between tables you could include RFT command \pagebb in the title() option. Example:

sysuse auto
reg price weight foreign
esttab . using ~/mytable.rtf, title(Table 1) replace
esttab . using ~/mytable.rtf, title(\pagebb Table 2) append
esttab . using ~/mytable.rtf, title(\pagebb Table 3) append


fredericky123 commented 2 years ago

Thanks Ben!