Closed fredericky123 closed 2 years ago
estout does not estimate results, it only tabulates estimated results. This sort of computation is outside the scope of estout.
Secondarily, it is unusual to have one-sided tests in regression tables. Are you sure they are appropriate in your case?
Thanks Nils, one-sided tests only occur under specific circumstances. You are right, since esttab don't compute the estimates, I should calculate it by myself. Thanks again!
I just thought, can use estadd to calculate the one-sided p values?
Hi @NilsEnevoldsen Nils, Could you please help me to check what's wrong with the syntax below? The one-sided p values for model 1 was wrong, for model 2 was correct.
capture program drop estadd_bstdy
program estadd_bstdy, eclass
tempname bstdy
matrix `bstdy' = e(b)
quietly summarize `e(depvar)' if e(sample)
matrix `bstdy' = `bstdy' / r(sd)
ereturn matrix bstdy = `bstdy'
sysuse auto,clear
eststo clear
eststo: quietly regress price weight mpg
eststo: quietly regress price weight mpg foreign
estadd bstdy : *
capture program drop estadd_oneSidedP
program estadd_oneSidedP, eclass
tempname oneSidedP
matrix `oneSidedP' = r(table)
matrix `oneSidedP' = `oneSidedP'/2
ereturn matrix oneSidedP = `oneSidedP'
estadd oneSidedP : *
esttab ,cells("b(fmt(3)) p(fmt(3))" se(fmt(3) par))
esttab , cells("b(fmt(3)) oneSidedP[4](fmt(3))" se(fmt(3) par))
@benjann Hi Ben, could you please help me out? Is that a bug or a wrong syntax about this?
You need to replay the estimation command within the estadd subroutine so that the correct r(table)
is generated. About as follows:
capture program drop estadd_oneSidedP
program estadd_oneSidedP, eclass
quietly `e(cmd)' // call the command without option to generate r(table)
tempname P
matrix `P' = r(table)
matrix `P' = `P'[4, 1...] // select the row containing the pvalues
matrix `P' = `P'/2
ereturn matrix oneSidedP = `P'
sysuse auto,clear
eststo clear
eststo: quietly regress price weight mpg
eststo: quietly regress price weight mpg foreign
estadd oneSidedP : *
esttab ,cells("b(fmt(3)) p(fmt(3))" se(fmt(3) par))
esttab , cells("b(fmt(3)) oneSidedP(fmt(3))" se(fmt(3) par))
Of course computing one-sided pvalues as "two-sided pvalue / 2" is only appropriate if the effect is in the right direction (i.e. in the direction of the hypothesis). Possibly the routine should be improved such that the direction of the hypothesis can be specified for each coefficient...
I see. Thanks so much!
Sometimes, I need to report the exact one-sided p values in the tables, I know pvalue(name) to specify the p-values used, however, calculating the one-sided p values for all coefficients seems difficult for me, could you please add such option?
Thanks so much! Sincerely!