benjenkinsv95 / lethal-company-latin-mod

Lethal Company Latin Translations Mod
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Chat GPT Feedback: Misc #30

Closed benjenkinsv95 closed 6 months ago

benjenkinsv95 commented 6 months ago

This feedback was generated by chat gpt after loading it with a handful of glossaries and most of the game translations.

Improved Game Translations for Lethal Company

Critical Improvements


   - Suggested Improvement: "ORDO OPERARIORUM"

   - Explanation: "Gradus" implies a step or degree, which might not fully convey the hierarchical nature of employee ranks. "Ordo" can be a more fitting term for "rank" in this context, suggesting an ordered classification.

2. Original: "Teleporter=Transportātor"

   - Suggested Improvement: "Teleportarium"

   - Explanation: "Transportātor" implies a transporter, which may not specifically denote the teleporting function. "Teleportarium" creatively adapts the concept of teleportation to a more Latin-sounding term, aligning closely with the sci-fi context.

3. Original: "Yield sign = Signum cessandī"

   - Suggested Improvement: "Signum Concessionis"

   - Explanation: "Cessandī" suggests stopping, but a yield sign typically means to give way. "Signum Concessionis" (sign of yielding or giving way) might be a more fitting translation.

4. Original: "Whoopie cushion = Saccus iocōsus"

   - Suggested Improvement: "Culcita iocosa"

   - Explanation: "Saccus iocōsus" translates to 'playful bag,' which lacks specificity. "Culcita iocosa" (playful cushion) is more descriptive of the actual item, a cushion that produces a humorous effect.

5. Original: "Magic ball = Pila magica"

   - Suggested Improvement: "Sphaera Magica"

   - Explanation: While "Pila magica" is correct, "Sphaera Magica" might better convey the mystical or enigmatic nature of a "magic ball," often used for fortune-telling or advice-giving in games.

6. Original: "Rubber ducky = Anser plasticus"

   - Suggested Improvement: "Anas elastica"

   - Explanation: "Anser" refers more to a goose. "Anas" is the term for a duck, and "elastica" (elastic or rubbery) describes the material more specifically than "plasticus."

7. Original: "Intern=Operarius minor"

   - Suggested Improvement: "Stagirius"

   - Explanation: "Operarius minor" translates to 'lesser worker.' "Stagirius" is a more specialized term for an intern or apprentice.

8. Original: "Mug =Poculum"

   - Suggested Improvement: "Cantharus"

   - Explanation: "Poculum" is a general drinking vessel. "Cantharus" (Mug) is more specific and traditionally used for a cup with a handle.

9. Original: "Turret=Turris"

   - Suggested Improvement: "Turretum"

   - Explanation: "Turris" is a large tower. "Turretum" is a diminutive form, more fitting for a small tower or turret.

10. Original: "Spore lizard=Lacerta glomerorum"

    - Suggested Improvement: "Lacertus Sporifer"

    - Explanation: "Lacerta glomerorum" is a literal translation. "Lacertus Sporifer" (Spore-bearing Lizard) captures the essence of the creature more vividly.

11. Original: "Snare flea=Dolus scolopendra"

    - Suggested Improvement: "Pulēx Laqueārius"

    - Explanation: "Dolus scolopendra" translates to 'deceitful centipede,' which may not fully capture the creature's essence. "Pulēx Laqueārius" (Snare Flea) better reflects its nature.

12. Original: "Training manual=Liber operarii"

    - Suggested Improvement: "Manuale Exercitium"

    - Explanation: "Liber operarii" translates to 'book of a worker.' "Manuale Exercitium" (Training Manual) is more direct and appropriate.

13. Original: "Tea kettle=Caccabus theae"

    - Suggested Improvement: "Caccabus Infusorius"

    - Explanation: "Caccabus theae" simply means 'tea pot.' "Caccabus Inf

usorius" (Infusion Kettle) adds a bit more specificity.

14. Original: "The autopilot will now attempt to fly to the closest safe spaceport. Your items have been lost.=Gubernator nunc conabitur ad proximum portum spatii tūtum volāre. Res tuae abiectae sunt."

    - Suggested Improvement: "Nunc Gubernator Automāticus conabitur ad proximum portum spatialem tūtum petere. Res tuae periērunt."

    - Explanation: "Gubernator" alone could mean any pilot. "Gubernator Automāticus" specifies autopilot. Also, "periērunt" (have perished) instead of "abiectae sunt" (have been thrown away) better conveys the loss of items.

15. Original: "V-type engine=Mōtor generis quīntī"

    - Suggested Improvement: "Mōtor V-Formātus"

    - Explanation: "Mōtor generis quīntī" translates to 'fifth-kind motor.' "Mōtor V-Formātus" (V-Shaped Engine) better describes the specific type of engine.

16. Original: "Teeth=Dentēs"

    - Suggested Improvement: "Dentītiō"

    - Explanation: While "Dentēs" is correct for 'teeth,' "Dentītiō" refers to the set or arrangement of teeth, which might be more appropriate depending on the context.

17. Original: "Weather alert!=Tempestās, cavē!"

    - Suggested Improvement: "Monitum Tempestātis!"

    - Explanation: "Tempestās, cavē!" translates to 'weather, beware!' "Monitum Tempestātis" (Weather Alert) is a more formal and clear warning.

18. Original: "Wedding ring=Annulus nūptiālis"

    - Suggested Improvement: "Annulus Matrimoniālis"

    - Explanation: "Annulus nūptiālis" means 'wedding ring,' but "Annulus Matrimoniālis" (Matrimonial Ring) may carry a deeper cultural meaning.

19. Original: "Whoopie Cushion=Saccus iocōsus"

    - Suggested Improvement: "Culcita Ridēns"

    - Explanation: "Saccus iocōsus" literally means 'joking bag.' "Culcita Ridēns" (Laughing Cushion) better conveys the humorous nature of a whoopie cushion.

20. Original: "Yield sign=Signum cessandī"

    - Suggested Improvement: "Signum Cēdendī"

    - Explanation: "Signum cessandī" translates to 'sign of stopping.' "Signum Cēdendī" (Yield Sign) is more precise for traffic signage.

You are right, my apologies for the oversight. Let's go over the minor improvements:

Minor Improvements

1. Original: "Coffee mug=Poculum coffeae"

   - Suggested Improvement: "Scyphus Caffeae"

   - Explanation: "Poculum" is a generic term for a drinking vessel. "Scyphus," a cup or mug, paired with "Caffeae" (of coffee), better describes a coffee mug.

2. Original: "Bee hive=Alvus apum"

   - Suggested Improvement: "Alveare"

   - Explanation: "Alvus apum" literally means 'the belly of bees,' which might be misleading. "Alveare" is a more direct and clear term for a beehive.

3. Original: "Jester=INSANEUS THINGUS"

   - Suggested Improvement: "Scurra"

   - Explanation: "INSANEUS THINGUS" is not a valid Latin phrase and feels like a placeholder. "Scurra," meaning jester or buffoon, provides a more accurate and historically appropriate term.

4. Original: "Forest keeper=Satyrid proceritas"

   - Suggested Improvement: "Custos Silvae"

   - Explanation: "Satyrid proceritas" does not clearly convey the idea of a forest keeper. "Custos Silvae" (Guardian of the Forest) is more descriptive and fitting.

5. Original: "Stun grenade =Bomba stupidī"

   - Suggested Improvement: "Granatum Stupefaciens"

   - Explanation: "Bomba stupidī" could be misinterpreted. "Granatum Stupefaciens" (Stunning Grenade) is more specific and aligns with military terminology.

6. Original: "Walkie-talkie =Ambulans-loquēns"

   - Suggested Improvement: "Loquitor Ambulans"

   - Explanation: "Ambulans-loquēns" is a direct, but somewhat awkward translation. "Loquitor Ambulans" (Walking Talker) flows better in Latin.

7. Original: "Magic ball =Pila magica"

   - Suggested Improvement: "Sphaera Magica"

   - Explanation: While "Pila magica" is not incorrect, "Sphaera Magica" (Magic Sphere) better captures the typical spherical shape of a magic ball.

8. Original: "LASSO\n\nSigurd's danger level: 30% but it kinda freaks me out\n\nScientific name: \n\n\n=LASSO\n\nPericuli Gradus Sigurdi: 30% sed aliquantulum me terre\n\nNomen Scientiae: \n\n\n"

   - Suggested Improvement: "LAQUEUS\n\nGradus Periculi Sigurd: 30%, sed aliquantum terret\n\nNomen Scientiae: Laqueus\n\n"

   - Explanation: "LASSO" is not Latin. "Laqueus" is a more appropriate term for lasso, and the text structure is adjusted for better clarity and Latin syntax.

9. Original: "Signal Translator=Translātor Signālis"

   - Suggested Improvement: "Interpres Signorum"

   - Explanation: "Translātor Signālis" is a bit forced and modern. "Interpres Signorum" (Interpreter of Signals) uses more classical Latin while conveying the same idea.

These minor improvements enhance the game's Latin translations, ensuring they are more historically and linguistically accurate, thus providing a better experience for players interested in the Latin language."Jester=INSANEUS THINGUS" should be "Scurra" for authenticity.