benjenkinsv95 / lethal-company-latin-mod

Lethal Company Latin Translations Mod
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Brainstorm audio gags (comedic/horror/educational?/etc...) #43

Open benjenkinsv95 opened 6 months ago

benjenkinsv95 commented 6 months ago


ℹ️ note We could provide separate audio mods (ex. a horror audio mod, a comedy audio mod, etc). So the player can choose the tone of their audio.

I. Jester (Scurra) - Jack in the box music monster

There is a monster called the jester (Scurra). It starts as a jack in the box on legs. It will play the jack in the box music and when the music ends, a giant monster comes out, and it will kill you if you don't escape.

Jester example


  1. jack in the box theme plays
  2. jack in the box pops


  1. (Horror) When the jack in the box audio first starts we could insert a "Tempus fugit", "Memento mori", "Audentes Fortuna Iuvat" (fortune favors the bold, daring you to stay)
  2. (Horror) The music does build tension the first time you encounter the monster and don't know what is going to happen, so when the song ends we should resolve the tension, probably with horror or comedy. Maybe a threatening phrase like "NUNC MORERE", "Alea iacta est", "Memento mori", since the hunt is starting or a comedic phrase to break the tension.

II. Hoarding Bug - Yippee monster (Cīmex accumulāns)

There is a bug that hoards items, and will attack you if you take their items. Folks usually replace it's normal chatter with the cute sound "Yippee!"

Yipee hoarding bug example


  1. Cries


  1. (Horror) A eerie phrase like "Vivamus, moriendum est" (Let us live, since we must die) or "Si vis pacem, para bellum" (If you want peace, prepare for war), phrases hinting that the hoarding bugs are often killed.
  2. (Comedic) A phrase like "Et tu, Brute?" (because the player often betrays the hoarding bug, killing it, or stealing items from the bug), "Nos sumus infiniti" (they occasionally show up in groups of like 15-20 bugs)
  3. (Daring) A phrase like "Fortes fortuna adiuvat" (Fortune favors the brave) or Carpe diem - Daring you to steal their item and try to live.

III. Bracken - Neck snap monster

The bracken is a very tough monster, that will try to sneak up on you, and if they are successful, they will snap your neck with a loud snap. After they snap your neck, they run off with your body very quickly.


  1. Neck snap
  2. Stunned sound



  1. (Comedy/Horror - probably depends on the tone of voice) "Alea iacta est", "Sic transit gloria mundi.", (thus passes the glory of the world), "mors vincit omnia" (death conquers all), "Memento mori." (if we delay it so only other players around the death would hear the warning), "Fiat nox" (let there be night)
  2. (Comedy) Something slightly comedic and taunting from the bracken, like "Veni, vidi, necui" (I came, I saw, I killed) (or the normal vici might still work)
  3. (Stunned - Comedy) - Quid est...?
  4. (Stunned - Horror) - "Te perdam" (I will destroy you)

IV. Ice cream truck song

When you buy an item, it gets delivered in a dropship that plays an ice cream truck song.



  1. (Comedy) Replace audio with ancient roman war horn
  2. (Horror) Replace the audio with satanic latin chanting (like you'd see in super cheesy movies, in the name of the father, son, holy spirit, etc.) to summon the drop ship

V. Spooky Hey

There is a spooky voice that says hey.



  1. (Horror/Comedy) - Literally anything. Nobody is there to say "Hey". We can literally put any sound or dialogue here.
  2. (Horror/Comedy - could record salve in a scary or funny tone) - Salve
  3. (Comedy) - Carthago delenda est (low hanging fruit), "in vino veritas" (in wine there is truth)
  4. (Horror) - Tempus fugit, "Alea iacta est", "si vis pacem, para bellum", "Veni, vidi, vici"
  5. (Other) - Carpe diem. Ad astra per aspera.

VI. Eyeless dog (Canis sine oculīs)

These dogs are blind, if you make a noise, they will kill you.



  1. Growls
  2. Lunges
  3. Roars
  4. Stunned


  1. (Comedy) - Something like "esurio" (i'm hungry!), "cibum suave olfacio" (i smell delicious (sweet) food)
  2. (Horror) - Something like "cibum (te) olfacio" (i smell food (or you))

VII. Coil head (Caput cochlea)

The coil head won't move if you look at it, but if you don't look at the coil head, it moves extremely quickly and kills quickly.

When it lunges there is audio. When the lunge stops there is a spring sound.



  1. (Comedy) - On the lunge maybe something like "Curro" (i'm running) and when it stops because you're looking at him a "Vae!" (like drats!) under it's breath

VIII. Earth leviathan (Leviathan terrae)

A giant worm, that jumps into the air, and makes a weird sound in the air.

It can eat you.


  1. Starts attack
  2. Lands
  3. Roars



  1. (Horror/Comedy depending on tone) - "Memento mori", (But in a trailing voice, as the worm gets further away. Memeennttooo mmmmooooorrrrrriiiiii...!"
  2. (Comedy) - "Ad astra per aspera" (since it is lunging from the ground)

IX. Ghost girl (Imāgō puella)

This ghost girl haunts a single player and if she touches them makes them explode. She has a few sounds, but the "giggle" could have it's audio updated.



  1. (Comedy) - Could go for a cheesy kid jumpscare, maybe try to find the latin equivalent of a "Boo!"
  2. (Horror) - Generic spooky ghost girl lines. "Let's play a game", "Do you want to be my friend?", etc...

X. Forest Keeper (Custōs silvae) (giant)

A forest giant that eats people.

We could add some dialogue to the eating sound effect.


  1. Rumbles
  2. Stomps
  3. Stunned



  1. (Comedy) - Mmmm. Suavis or delicitatus. (Sweet, yummy, delicious) Carpe diem. (Since the monster has you seized in its hand before eating you)
  2. (Horror) - "Sic transit gloria mundi.", "Alea iacta est", "Veni, vidi, voravi." - I came, I saw, I devoured.

XI. Nutcracker (Nucifrangibulum)

A giant toy nutcracker hunts you with a shotgun. We could tweak the sound files for the reload and firing sound effects?



  1. Angers
  2. Reloads
  3. Shotgun firing


  1. (Comedy/Horror depending on tone) - Fire! (Mitte? Admittedly tougher for me to translate) Replē! (Reload!)

XII. Thumper (Pulsātor)

A scary monster that chases you around aggressively. It roars and we could edit that audio file.



  1. (Horror) - "Mors vincit omnia."
  2. (Comedy) - "SALVEEEE?!?!" (a confused hello), "HEUS!!!" (like it just noticed you), "Me mane!" (wait for me, as if it wants to catch you)

XIII. Air, clown, and loud horn sounds

There are three horns that play sounds in the game that we could swap.

Clown horn Air horn Loud horn


  1. (Comedy) Roman trumpet sound,
  2. (Clown horn) "[Romanes eunt domus...](( quid... non... error. Romani ite domum..."

XIV Player deaths

The player can be

  1. absorbed by a giant blob
  2. eaten (by giant and maybe dog)
  3. mauled. (by dog)

Some of these may be sounds above.


  1. (Comedy/horror) similar ideas to above when dying

XV Robot toy

There is a robot toy with some loud child giggling noise



  1. (Comedy/Horror depending on tone) - We could make the robot say anything. "Vivamus, moriendum est." - Let us live, since we must die.





