benjick / meteor-telegram-bot

Telegram bot plugin for Meteor
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Menu(Keyboard) creation Example #7

Closed babnik63 closed 8 years ago

babnik63 commented 8 years ago

Dear friend. Is it possible to show us some code about menu creation? I think this project needs more sample codes.


benjick commented 8 years ago

Hi sorry for the long reply. I can look into it later today if you still need it

mojtabaeslami commented 8 years ago

Hi It doesn't work. would you please send me test code.

elie222 commented 8 years ago

Here's a simple example:

      TelegramBot.method('sendMessage', {
        chat_id: conversationId,
        text: 'Please choose an option:',
        reply_markup: JSON.stringify({
          keyboard: [

Or try inline_keyboard instead of keyboard.

shrmnk commented 8 years ago