benjimin / s1prepro

Automated pre-processing of Sentinel 1 (satellite radar imagery)
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Sentinel 1 ingestion #3

Open zosci opened 5 years ago

zosci commented 5 years ago

Hello! I am a newcomer with datacube and, in general, with geospatial data. I am trying to ingest Sentinel 1 data into Open Data Cube. I read the documentation, but I still have problems...

I downloaded S1 data from Copernicus portal, the data consists in different folder containing measurements (TIFF format) and metadata (and other information).

The ODC documents that I read said that for the ingestion I need different files: 1) product definition 2) yalm file containing metadata (which I understood it can be produced running a python script) 3) the ingestion file

I am currenctly stuck on the 2), i.e., the yalm metadata file. Does exist examples of python script or metadata yalm file related to Sentinel 1 data? (if you dont' have for S1, for me it is ok also Sentinel 2 documentation...)

I really appreciate if you could help me!! :D


benjimin commented 5 years ago

In this repo, you could potentially try productdef.yaml as the product definition, and to generate the additional yaml metadata files for each scene that you have processed and want to index into an ODC instance.

benjimin commented 5 years ago

We're also working on an updated repo at

zosci commented 5 years ago

Thank you!