i have set up videojs player along with hls.js but my problem still persists which is the stream is still unable to play.
I have included all the dependancies as per required. Still i am including some piece of my code
My html
<!-- My video tag for playback -->
<video id="example-video">
<source = "http%3A%2F%2Fhitsradio.videocdn.scaleengine.net%2Fhitsradio-vod%2Fplay%2Fsestore8%2Fhitsradio%2F10%20%20years%20-%20Beautiful.mp4%2Fplaylist.m3u8" type = "application/vnd.apple.mpegurl">
I have tried with videojs-contrib-hls, But the issue is still stubborn.
You can check the issue in this screenshot below
here is the screenshot for error http://prntscr.com/a3f6sk
Upon checking chrome://media-internals/ I got debug like the following
render_id: 16
player_id: 69
pipeline_state: kStopped
url: blob:http%3A//
info: Audio codec: mp4a.40.2. Sampling frequency: 22050Hz. Sampling frequency(Extension): 0Hz. Channel layout: 2.
found_audio_stream: true
audio_codec_name: aac
duration: 222.678956
audio_dds: false
audio_decoder: FFmpegAudioDecoder
debug: Implicit HE-AAC signalling is being used. Please use mp4a.40.5 instead of mp4a.40.2 in the mimetype.
error: audio decode error during playing
pipeline_error: pipeline: decode error
Note: You may get CORS issue while playing the stream i provided as it is only allowed for my origin.
i have set up videojs player along with hls.js but my problem still persists which is the stream is still unable to play. I have included all the dependancies as per required. Still i am including some piece of my code My html
My js
I have tried with videojs-contrib-hls, But the issue is still stubborn. You can check the issue in this screenshot below here is the screenshot for error
Upon checking
I got debug like the following