benjypng / firefox-extension-logseq-quickcapture

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Only the title of selected text being captured (on specific page) #10

Open Endle opened 1 year ago

Endle commented 1 year ago

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Select a large area of text. at

屏幕截图 2023-04-06 113106

  1. Click logseq-quick-capture
  2. Only the title is captured
    **11:31** [[quick capture]]: **1.ACE COMBAT 7: SKIES UNKNOWN**  [\_COMBAT\_7\_SKIES\_UNKNOWN/]( [关于《皇牌空战7》各版本的一点购买提示与补全建议 - 购物心得 - 其乐 Keylol](

However, the call-bacl url looks good to me

logseq://x-callback-url/quickCapture?page=TODAY&append=true&title=关于《皇牌空战7》各版本的一点购买提示与补全建议 - 购物心得 - 其乐 Keylol&content=  **1.ACE COMBAT 7: SKIES UNKNOWN**  [\_COMBAT\_7\_SKIES\_UNKNOWN/](  游戏本体不建议直接购买,毫无性价比可言    **2.ACE COMBAT™ 7: SKIES UNKNOWN - TOP GUN: Maverick 数字版**  [](  包含本体和壮志凌云联动dlc,史低73.6,卡单可收,其余不推荐。    **2.5.ACE COMBAT 7: SKIES UNKNOWN - 豪华版**  已下架,就是少了壮志凌云dlc的Ultimate Edition    **3.ACE COMBAT 7: SKIES UNKNOWN - TOP GUN: Maverick Ultimate Edition**  [](    改版之后最大的大包(但并不全),皇牌空战系列粉丝和全收集强迫症强烈建议直接购买这个版本  因为里面包含一个限定日区的dlc:[](  大包史低99R,性价比极高,等等党可以等个85%off 75R,并且万代不像SE,折扣极限是90%off 50R(估计再等两三年)      **4.ACE COMBAT 7: SKIES UNKNOWN - Season Pass**  [\_COMBAT\_7\_SKIES\_UNKNOWN\_\_Season\_Pass/](    买了数字版的,如果想补齐成Ultimate(那个限定dlc没得补),需要购买这个机票,史低60%off 55R,再等个新低也就是70%off 41R  即使以后游戏骨折一般来说机票也都是不会骨折的。  那么即使是卡单,再补机票,性价比也是不如Ultimate包的,更别说还缺个dlc。      **5.其余dlc**  壮志凌云dlc给的机型是有五代机的,通关够用了。  不是死忠粉或者收集狂完全不用再补其它机型dlc。&

Version Firefox 111 Logseq 0.9.1

loziniak commented 9 months ago

I had similar problem on . It seems title stops on non-ascii chars (like # or 关), perhaps content in url should be url-encoded?