benjypng / logseq-datenlp-plugin

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Time is not being prased #13

Closed meldarionqeusse closed 2 years ago

meldarionqeusse commented 2 years ago

Hi I am new to logseq so I might be doing something wrong but I followed the step you outlined I believe see screenshots below and as you can see time is not being parse just the date. image



Similarly with semi and auto parsing image image

I am using logseq 0.6.1 on Windows 10.

Thank you for this plugin.

benjypng commented 2 years ago

Hi, the timing is not considered for those functions. Only the functions below make use of the time. 1) @from with semi auto-parsing turned on 2) parse scheduled 3) parse deadline

meldarionqeusse commented 2 years ago

Ok it parsed as you described but this demo is a bit misleading then cause you do Meet friend on Sunday at 5pm/parse dates

benjypng commented 2 years ago

Yes that was an old iteration. Apologies I should be updating the readme!