benjypng / logseq-datenlp-plugin

MIT License
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Elements in code blocks and inline code should not parsed #41

Closed paranoid-bunny closed 9 months ago

paranoid-bunny commented 1 year ago

The plugin picks up dates from inside code blocks and inline code, and some code can easily contain text that looks like a date to the plugin; for example

fmt.Printf("%03d\n", rnt1)

will create a scheduled block set to 3 days in the future and will remove the `%03d` from the block when semi-auto parsing is enabled. 

I don't think wanting to parse dates from within code blocks is common and I would not even expect the plugin to anyways, even when using slash commands - so perhaps inline code/code blocks should be ignored completely both when using slash commands and (semi-)auto parsing?
benjypng commented 9 months ago

Resolved in v4.0.2