benkeen / generatedata

A powerful, feature-rich, random test data generator.
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where is dataset saved #748

Open iomari opened 2 years ago

iomari commented 2 years ago

Greetings, I'm running the docker version. Installation was a breeze an d generating data worked flawlessly. I save my dataset structure but I have no idea where it is saved to. Which folder does the app store it's saved dataset structure?

benkeen commented 2 years ago

That's great news, thanks @iomari! Apologies - I still haven't fully finished the userdoc yet but I'm glad it was enough for you to get it running.

All data is actually stored in a MariaDB (basically MySQL) found in your data/db folder. In there, there's a generatedata subfolder that contains your actual database. But those files are custom formatted for MySQL to read so won't be awfully useful as they are.

To read that data you could either rig up a local MySQL/MariaDB client and tell it to read that info or you could connect to the database running in the docker container and run queries on the DB. Again, sorry this isn't documented yet, but you'd run something like this. This connects to the docker container named db and examines the DB. You can run whatever queries you want: the database table housing the datasets is called datasets.

docker exec -it db bash
mysql -u gduser -p generatedata

// run queries here
show tables;
describe datasets;
iomari commented 2 years ago

Thanks for your reply. My next issue is how do I install a local version without docker?4.0.14 version I downloaded the 4.0.14 version from github but I don't see anyway to install it into my existing web server. The instructions on "" seem to refer to a different installation than what's possible with the download. My download has no web files to run from a brower. No index.html file or for that matter, not html files at all. So I can I install it locally without having to use docker?