benkeen / generatedata

A powerful, feature-rich, random test data generator.
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Expose as npm package #754

Open benkeen opened 2 years ago

benkeen commented 2 years ago

High level steps:

  1. update UI to expose schema to define the data you want to generate (hidden),
  2. release an npm-installable version of this application
  3. show the schema generator in the UI.
benkeen commented 1 year ago

Dec 2022. This is coming along pretty well now. The core generation code has been refactored to separate the web worker code from the web workers themselves, so we can provide an alternative interface for the same functionality for node. However, all plugins will also need to be updated.

I'm going to take a little break to focus on a different project for a little bit, but will be back to focus on this soon.

benkeen commented 1 year ago

Going well, but slow! The actual npm package will be bumped to 4.2. 4.1 ended up being prep-work and includes a few other minor things I need to get out before the final npm package.

benkeen commented 1 year ago

This is finally picking up pace. The basic stuff is working now: you can generate data in any format.

I settled on @generatedata/cli as the package name and I'm documenting it here.

Currently I'm working through each DT and ET one at a time to confirm they're generating properly, then I'll turn to the more advanced scenarios like ensuring mapping between rows. Then finally I'll be updating the UI to generate the data config files.