This is a group project for CSCI 3308, Software Development Tools and Methods. The website presented is a library for college students to check out technology devices and accessories that they may temporarily need while on campus.
(Ben) A page where a new user should be able to type in a username, password, email address, phone number, and school year to create an account which is stored in the database
(Ben) As a user, I want to be able to register with the techLibrary database, in order to access the rest of the techLibrary.
(Ben) Acceptance Criteria: A page with 5 inputs (username, password, email address, phone number, school year) which, once submitted, will add the data to the database. The login page should be rendered upon successful registration with message to the user.
(Ben) A page where a new user should be able to type in a username, password, email address, phone number, and school year to create an account which is stored in the database
(Ben) As a user, I want to be able to register with the techLibrary database, in order to access the rest of the techLibrary.
(Ben) Acceptance Criteria: A page with 5 inputs (username, password, email address, phone number, school year) which, once submitted, will add the data to the database. The login page should be rendered upon successful registration with message to the user.