benkoo / TensorCloud

A set of open-sourced computational services orchestrated by a tensor-based metalanguage.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Virtualbox: Huge disk image #9

Closed alexcg1 closed 6 years ago

alexcg1 commented 6 years ago

Can we strip out some of the default Ubuntu cruft? I mean do we really need Unity, X11, etc? We could just strip back to command line interface, or failing that, a really simple window manager and app launcher

This, coupled with mirror, could speed things up dramatically and reduce complexity

yangboz commented 6 years ago

Maybe we can use a Ubuntu server base image.

yangboz commented 6 years ago

I am try to use RancherOS based image...

yangboz commented 6 years ago

Now we trying use Docker in Docker to slim the virtualbox version.

yangboz commented 6 years ago

now, we changed to use docker in docker: