benlau / qtci

Collection of scripts to build Qt application in command line environment
Apache License 2.0
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Question about env file #37

Open Light-Wizzard opened 4 years ago

Light-Wizzard commented 4 years ago

In your travis.yml you have this line at the bottom, I was hoping to modify it for 13.2, but ran into a question, source qt-5.12.4.env is not in your repo, but you reference it here:

- QT_CI_PACKAGES=qt.qt5.5124.gcc_64 PATH=${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/recipes:${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/bin:${PATH} install-qt 5.12.4 && source qt-5.12.4.env && qmake -version && test "$(qmake -query QT_VERSION)" = "5.12.4"

Where does this file come from?

I am trying to install Qt 13.2 with Qml support, and Qt Installer Framework, do you have an example of this for Linux that will work on Ubuntu 16 LTS, or some help as to how it can be done?
