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Understanding Azure Synapse Private Endpoints #4

Open prudhvipatri opened 2 years ago

prudhvipatri commented 2 years ago

Hi, you've posted a great article on Synapse Network security connections. It's really awesome and helpful for me. I've couple of questions and hope you'll help me with it. With Managed Vnet enabled, we've an option to enable or disable the Public network access to Synapse Studio. If I enable it, I can access the studio and disabling this means, we should create a Private end point which I did using Private Link Hub which I did but even then I can't access. I've added my client IP, but even that didn't work.

  1. With the Private End point in Synapse Link hub and Public network access enabled, would it go through public network or Microsoft when I access it from my laptop ?
  2. Would you recommend or you have any suggestion on how to access a private endpoint from OUTSIDE the Virtual Network in Azure, like from my laptop in corporate VPN