benlogan / VerticalSankey

A vertical version of the classic D3 Sankey diagram
MIT License
34 stars 13 forks source link

No License File #3

Closed maxcapraro closed 8 years ago

maxcapraro commented 8 years ago

I really liked your implementation of a vertical sankey diagram. Unfortunately, the project does not have a license file and so I do not feel confident to reuse it.

Please consider deciding for a license (maybe APACHE 2.0 or MIT) to enable others including me to reuse your cool code :)

benlogan commented 8 years ago

Hey @maxcapraro - this has been done. MIT. Please go ahead and make use of this code - enjoy!

maxcapraro commented 8 years ago

Awesome @benlogan1981! Thanks a lot :)