benma / visual-regexp.el

A regexp/replace command for Emacs with interactive visual feedback
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Remember the previous search #15

Open asmeurer opened 10 years ago

asmeurer commented 10 years ago

When I exit out of a search and enter again, it should remember the previous search, like query-replace-regexp does. Otherwise it's annoying to retype it.

benma commented 9 years ago

Sorry I have not gotten back to you for so long. This issue is also bothering me, but since it is not a trivial fix and I have had only little time, I have not gotten around to it yet. Just to let you know I am not ignoring this.

cpitclaudel commented 9 years ago

I second this, that would be a nice feature!

lboogaard commented 8 years ago

Hi, great stuff with visual-regex, I'm really enjoying it!

I was wondering if there is any progress on this issue? It happens at times that I construct a rather complex regexp (which is really easy with vr!) only to find out that my region didn't cover all the cases I wanted to replace. For these cases a "default" set to the last replace (as with query-replace) would be really useful.

The same functionality would benefit vr/isearch as well.

benma commented 8 years ago

I am working around this by just going through the history (up arrow inside the regexp/replace prompts), which is not ideal, but good enough for me so that I have not invested much time on this issue yet. Does this help at all?

lboogaard commented 8 years ago

Ah, I wasn't aware of this history functionality. That really helps a lot, thanks!