benma / visual-regexp.el

A regexp/replace command for Emacs with interactive visual feedback
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vr does not keep the capitalization of words like query-replace does #20

Closed martenlienen closed 9 years ago

martenlienen commented 9 years ago

Let's say we would like to rename a ruby class called User

class User
  def initialize(username)
    # ...

M-x query-replace user actor replaces this with

class Actor
  def initialize(actorname)
    # ...

M-x vr/query-replace user actor produces

class actor
  def initialize(actorname)
    # ...

So it matches the capitalized word, too, but does not capitalize the replacement.

benma commented 9 years ago

Thanks. This is a regression since the previous release. I will take a look at it immediately.

benma commented 9 years ago

I pushed a fix. Please take a look (you might have to wait a bit until it is available on melpa) and report back.

martenlienen commented 9 years ago

It is fixed. Thanks a lot.