benma / visual-regexp.el

A regexp/replace command for Emacs with interactive visual feedback
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maybe bug #4

Closed maglighter closed 11 years ago

maglighter commented 11 years ago

When i select previous entered regexp and start editing it, point moves to begin of this regexp and character puts here. Is it right behavior?

maglighter commented 11 years ago

Some addition. It happens when start editing previous replace string, not regexp.

benma commented 11 years ago

replace-regexp and the other related functions behave in the same way. What might be confusing to you is that the point looks like it is at the end of the regexp/replace string, but once you start typing, you are back at the beginning. This is due to the message next to the regexp/replace string (e.g. [23 matches]) which goes away once you start typing.

maglighter commented 11 years ago

You are right, thanks for explonation! But, is it the way to show point at the beginning? p.s. I'm very like your package, it's realy help me to see what i will get. Thank you!

benma commented 11 years ago

I am glad you like it. I tried to fix it, but I didn't find out how to do it yet. The minibuffer-message function is responsible...