benmarwick / JSTORr

Simple text mining of journal articles from JSTOR's Data for Research service
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Basic JSTOR_1word visualization is throwing an error #21

Closed gleemie closed 10 years ago

gleemie commented 10 years ago

Hi there -

I'm getting the following error when trying to follow your basic instructions on plotting the occurrence of a single word in my data set. Attaching package: ‘ggplot2’

The following object is masked from ‘package:NLP’: annotate Error in seq.default(lim_min - 1, lim_max + 1, 2) : 'from' cannot be NA, NaN or infinite

This is after already having to convert and clean my tab separated citation file (provided by Jstor) to get it to load with unpack1gram(), so I don't know if Jstor has changed other data formats as well and caused this error.

Here is a link to my data set in case you want to see if you can replicate:

Thanks for building this! Lilly

benmarwick commented 10 years ago

Thanks for the detailed message. Is that the original unaltered zip file you got from the DFR service?

gleemie commented 10 years ago

With the exception of the citations.csv file that I added, those are the unaltered files I got from JStor unzipped. I just added the original zip file I downloaded to the directory (accessible from the link above) so you can get it how I got it.

Thanks for your quick response!

benmarwick commented 10 years ago

Closing this because it's related to #20