benmarwick / JSTORr

Simple text mining of journal articles from JSTOR's Data for Research service
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Interactive visualizations #33

Open sdspieg opened 7 years ago

sdspieg commented 7 years ago

Is there a way to generate interactive visualizations? E.g. whereby -in the topic modelling, we can click on a topic, and that specific line graph will be highlighted? Or where we can click on a year, and see the actual value? Things like that. Thanks!

benmarwick commented 7 years ago

Hi Stephan,

Yes, that would be a great idea! I previously made a note to myself about it in these issues: and

Currently I think the best approach would be with the ggplotly function from Are you familiar with it? As I understand, you can pass a ggplot object to ggplotly and get an interactive version of the ggplot. You might give it a try with the plot output from this package as an experiment, do let me know what you find.

I'll let you know when I make progress on this, but you may well work it out before me!