benmarwick / rrtools

rrtools: Tools for Writing Reproducible Research in R
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Changing Readme Rmd to qmd #157

Closed jbelmiro closed 1 month ago

jbelmiro commented 1 month ago

Hello Ben. I changed the rmd to qmd for the read-me file. I just ran the packages and followed all the steps to create a compendium, and there was no issue. The qmd read-me file was created and rendered just fine. But again, I'm still learning so let me know if this worked.

benmarwick commented 1 month ago

Thanks so much for this, fantastic to see!

Before I merge it, would you mind to have a look at your copy of test-005-use_readme_rmd.R and replace Rmd with qmd throughout that file?

Please also update the DESCRIPTION to add your name to the contributor list.

When you commit those changes on your local version, and then push to your fork, this pull request will automatically update.

Thanks again!


benmarwick commented 1 month ago

Excellent work, thank you so much. This is a really nice contribution that helps to keep rrtools up with the state of the art in literate programming.