benmarwick / wordcountaddin

Word counts and readability statistics in R markdown documents
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quarto documents #51

Closed topepo closed 6 months ago

topepo commented 2 years ago

A fair amount of formatting when converting quarto qmd to md files involves ::: blocks.

For example, here the result of a chunk that renders a figure in a book document:

::: {.cell layout-align="center"}


::: {.cell layout-align="center"}
::: {.cell-output-display}
![Lot area for houses in Ames IA. The raw data are shown along with transformed versions using the Yeo-Johnson, order-norm, and percentile transformations.](figures/fig-ames-lot-area-1.svg){#fig-ames-lot-area fig-align='center' width=95%}

I think that removing lines that start with ::: might do the trick.

benmarwick commented 6 months ago

Thank you, I think I've got this covered now with 2019a3f841d603f6ba90199055305914f8043269