Closed yriveiro closed 10 years ago
I'm running in this bug when I click the listview.
The command on dev-tools window is:
[php-checkstyle]/usr/local/bin/php -l -d display_errors=On /Users/yriveiro/Development/test.php; /usr/local/bin/phpcs --standard=PSR2 --report=checkstyle /Users/yriveiro/Development/test.php; /usr/bin/phpmd /Users/yriveiro/DevelopmentUsers/yriveiro/Development/test.php text codesize,cleancode,controversial,naming,unusedcode;
I think that the first error is not on any row of the file and It's like a advice or something. When I click in the listview is not possible goto the row X and throws the error.
Aye, looks like the regex is being too greedy due to the brackets in the output.
Updated the regex and published 0.15.0
I'm running in this bug when I click the listview.
The command on dev-tools window is:
I think that the first error is not on any row of the file and It's like a advice or something. When I click in the listview is not possible goto the row X and throws the error.