benmatselby / sublime-phpcs

🔍 PHP CodeSniffer, PHP Coding Standard Fixer, Linter, and Mess Detector Support for Sublime Text
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Look phpcs.xml from subdirectories #186

Closed ronilaukkarinen closed 6 years ago

ronilaukkarinen commented 6 years ago

Hello! I do mainly WordPress themes with WordPress Theme Coding Standards and having bedrock-based setup where phpcs.xml is in subdirectory. standard: "" looks for current dir and up, but not in subdirectories. I have tried setting up standard: "content/themes/${project}/phpcs.xml" and standard: "content/themes/${folder}/phpcs.xml but it displays "No lint results.". The whole path for a project phpcs.xml is /Users/rolle/Projects/projectname/content/themes/themename/phpcs.xml and it would be preferred it to stay that way because our stack currently works best with this structure.

I could just copy phpcs.xml to the root directory use standard: "" OR change the standard line to be exactly specific every time I'm working on a project but I'd have to do that every time I switch project and it's not ideal...

Any suggestions on how to look phpcs.xml on subdirectory properly? didn't find this in any of the docs. Thanks in advance!

ronilaukkarinen commented 6 years ago

Just noticed this repository is deprecated... closing this and continuing the discussion here.