benmfaul / XRTB

A Real Time Bidding (RTB) 2.1 bidding engine written in Java 1.8
Apache License 2.0
121 stars 67 forks source link

Documentation to remove barriers to entry #18

Open thedamnedrhino opened 6 years ago

thedamnedrhino commented 6 years ago

Hello and thank you for the great library.
I am trying to launch a production scale RTB bidder and I this library in the process.
Although there is a good amount of documentation provided with the system, it is still hard to figure out how to launch it in a production environment, i.e: what other components should or must be provided and how to wire them into the system.
A good starting point IMHO would be to simply list the ZeroMQ channels and their formats.
Also taking a quick look at the code, it seemed unclear to me how at least some of the commands in the class could be executed - seeing that the "Delete campaign" command looks like it is directly executed into aerospike.
Again thank you for the great library you've provided, I think with proper documentation it could gain huge traction and is a great contribution to the RTB development community.