benmiller314 / cdm2019fall

Code base for Ben Miller's course in Composing Digital Media
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Website Proposal #12

Open benmiller314 opened 4 years ago

benmiller314 commented 4 years ago

Write a brief proposal for your multi-page website project. What materials or ideas will you include? Where will viewers of the site begin ("land"), and by what paths will they find their way to other areas of the site? How might you guide their attention to and through the materials, based on what you want to emphasize and on what they'll be looking for?

See the full range of thought-questions in the assignment prompt for brainstorming strategies.

As explained in class, your proposal should include the following:

fatemaquaid987 commented 4 years ago

For this multi-page website project, I will be creating a portfolio website for myself. This website will be called something like 'Creations by Fatema' or 'Fatema's Creations' or maybe something else(Some recommendations would be helpful!). It will show most if not all of my projects and creations including but not limited to course projects. For this website, I will group my projects based on the subject or the type of project. For example, my artwork would be one group, my software projects would be another, etc. To achieve this grouping, I will use different pages on my website where each page will correspond to one such group. The first page or the home page will give the users a brief introduction of myself. Following that intro will be 4 buttons redirecting to 4 different pages corresponding to 4 project groups namely:

  1. Arts
  2. Software
  3. Digital media
  4. Miscellaneous

Each of these buttons will be linked to a page corresponding to that group which will display projects which I have created in those areas. The project descriptions on each page will consist of an image showing that project and some text describing it. For projects which I have uploaded on github or have a separate website associated with them, I will also add a link to either my github repositories or to a website. This will allow users to navigate further and get additional information about my projects. Here is a simple sketch of how my website will look like on a mobile phone: image

I am taking the mobile-first approach and will use CSS Media Queries to change the layout of my website based on window size.

Here is the link to my repository which contains my prospective assets list for this project.

racheljfu commented 4 years ago

For my website I'm planning on doing something that's mostly a portfolio for personal projects I've done, such as artworks I've made / photos that I've taken. I also collect vintage art clippings and ephemera and I want to have a page where I display some of the items I've collected. I might also include writing assignments I've done but I'm not sure about this yet because I don't really want to be dealing with thousands of words of text.

I plan to have the website open on a simple home page where the user is welcomed to the website and then there are links to an about page, then links to pages for the photos / collections / artwork. Each page will display the photo with a box for a description of the date I made it / place it was taken or acquired / any more information about the piece. There will then be a sidebar that says the name of the page as well as a menu for navigating to the other pages (on mobile the sidebar can go at the top though). This is kind of how I want the layout to look, although it might change depending on how successful I am with figuring out the HTML and CSS behind it.

website sketch

In my assets file, there's more information in there about the types of images and content, fonts, etc. I'm planning to use (it's not super extensive right now but I plan to add more).

Here is my repository--you can find everything in there.

kevinikea commented 4 years ago

For my website, I would like to make a hockey blog. I've already started writing a lot of hockey articles so this makes a lot of sense for me. My website will be a mobile first design because I want to be young and hip to the scene and actually give a crap unlike the NHL website (please go and try and navigate that useless site please).

For my pages it's a pretty simplistic breakdown. IMG_5526 As seen in the graphic above it will have a main home screen with multiple links to different kinds of media. The pages it will lead to will be Power Rankings, Player Profiles, Opinion, Game Recaps, Analytics, and Podcasts. These pages will then link to specific articles which will contain the given information.

The design of the site will be critical. If it doesn't look good, people won't read it. That's just how it goes. I will definitely need a good aesthetic for this project to read well.

Here is the link for my repo!

ajs1102 commented 4 years ago

For my website I wanted to create a unified portfolio of my work and interests. Resumes and my github portfolio tend to be very one dimensional, and focus only on my technical abilities, since that's what a recruiter will want to see at a glance. However, I would like for people to see a more well-rounded picture of my interests and abilities, if they're able to spend more time than one generally takes to look over an applicant's resume, especially since I may want to work in a more artistic environment than a software engineering job at some point.


As seen in the graphic, the way I imagine the website being laid out is with a home page, containing my name, possibly contact information, and buttons linking to subpages. I know that I would like an about page, that would be a summary similar to what one might see on a linkedin profile, but less focused on professional work and more about myself as a whole.

I also plan on having a link to a coursework page, which would then contain links to pages based on the discipline of the work in question. The page for computer science coursework would be divided by class, and would have paragraphs describing each project, and how I benefited and learned from working on that project. The page for artistic projects would be sorted chronologically, and would have the projects embedded directly in the website (wherever possible).

Here is a link to my repo

cjc162 commented 4 years ago

For my project I would like to create a school project manager. This manager will have users create accounts, so multiple users can use it in isolation. Users will first be prompted to sign in or register an account when first visiting the page. After logging in, users will be able to add upcoming projects/exams/homeworks, their due date, and current progress. They will also be able to see this information in a table, sorted by due date. The site will also include some extra pages such as a game (maybe minesweeper) to take a break. The website will also include a nav bar at the top of every page allowing easy traversal of the site. A possible layout for the site may look like:


The site will use a flask back-end to store user specific information. I would also like to include one more page with the site, but am unsure what that will be at the moment. I am hoping to generate more ideas as I work through the project.'


ram716 commented 4 years ago

I'm not sure what I want my project to be. I might take the parachute prompt and create a website for the past two projects, and it would likely consist of a homepage, soundscape project page, and visual project page. The soundscape page should include a playable audio file with a relevant background image/theme that takes up most of the page. The image project page would be the project itself plus relevant links to articles.


If I have time I would like to create a website for myself. A personal blog/journal that compiles and organizes images and links that I'm interested in or bookmarked. This way I'd be able to neatly round up everything I may want to reference later rather than digging through old bookmarks, folders, or screenshots.

rmr78 commented 4 years ago

I have two possible ideas for the website project. My first is making a website for my parents' business. They are lawyers and still do not have a website and have wanted one for a while now. I will include background information about both of my parents, the services they provide, contact information, where their office is located, and pictures of both of them.

My second idea for this project is to do a portfolio of my photography. I love photography and I do not really have a good way to display all of the pictures I have taken in an organized and professional way. I will have different categories based on either the content of my pictures or where I took the pictures. I'm still not sure how I want the layout to be, though.

epesetsky commented 4 years ago

For my website I hope to create a place where I can display examples of design and writing I have created, in hopes it will be helpful to show future employers as a place with all of my hard work. In appearance, I want it to be clean, simple, minimal, yet functional and easy to navigate. I don't plan on making it look extravagant, but rather professional. On my site, so far for pages I plan to include: ABOUT (a section about my background and interests), DESIGN (examples of designs I have created), WRITING (pieces I have written), and tentatively a contact page, but I am still debating whether I will include that in the "About" section or make it its own page.

My assets lists so far is here.

Screen Shot 2019-10-29 at 12 40 51 PM

This is a quick and simple sketch of how I plan to lay out my website, although I am sure this will change in some way when creating the site.

My repository is here.

fathimashabnam commented 4 years ago

For this project, I plan to put together a guide for freshmen and sophomore students, with a focus on Engineering. I want to share my experiences and lesson I have learned about university, studying, and future-planning, and I believe this is a great medium to work this in. I am aware there are lots of resources out there (YouTube videos, books, podcasts etc), but I still believe this would be beneficial as I may uncover a new idea or reinforce an important concept.

I plan for this guide to have an extremely simplistic design in hopes of making the viewer go through the pages seamlessly. As per current plans, my index page will have a person balancing with different weights underneath and crocodiles at the bottom. This anxiety-ridden feeling is pretty accurate for students who are overwhelmed with their undergraduate coursework. I plan to make each of the weights interactive, and this will aid the user to the different pages with advice on each topic.

For the assets, I created the main image on GIMP using images online (this will go into my assets list). In addition to this, my page will probably contain a lot of words, so I will need to find images or short videos that will ease information processing.

Link to repo:

Sketch: IMG_0862

jlatiniii commented 4 years ago

For my website, I want to create a portfolio for my best friend who is an artist. I don't have any interesting works to create a portfolio for myself so I thought this would be a really good idea and could possibly help with her future career. I want to have a welcome page that will show an "about" section which will include a few pictures of her and a little biography. Then there will be separate tabs for each of her different artworks. When the user clicks on these they will be brought to another page with the image and a description of what it is, what it means, how/when it was made, etc. My assets include images of my friend and her artworks which I will get from her. Here is a link to my repository. These are my possible design ideas, but this may change. IMG_0062

wsc9 commented 4 years ago

Similarly to Julianna, I want to create an art portfolio for my brother. He has a lot of paintings and has done some street art, so I think a page to display all of his work would be helpful for him. Somewhere that isn’t Instagram. I think the welcome page should be fairly simple. It will show a slide show of his most recent collection. In the upper right there will be a menu drop down that will take you to different pages. My asset list will be made up of pictures of my brother's art, and maybe a few of him, and the city.


emmaknaub commented 4 years ago

Recently I talked to a software engineer at Google who does a lot of front end developing with his job. He told me that the way he stood out to companies was by having his own website where he basically sold himself to future employers. I want to do something similar to him with my career, so I thought I should definitely make my own website as well. I want to make it sort of an "about me" website that's less technical things about me, and more about who I am and other things that aren't necessarily found on a resume (I would link that in my website for more information). I would add things like my interests and past CS projects to give an idea of the sort of things I've done. I also really enjoy this web development unit, so I would like to use this website to play around with my HTML, CSS, and even JavaScript skills to show them off to future employers, as well as for my own interest. I don't have it all planned out yet, but here is a rough sketch of the pages and info I'd want to add:


And here is a link to my repository.

jadenash21 commented 4 years ago

IMG_7766 For my website, I would like to create a portfolio website where I can show off my personal accomplishments, previous writings, and my content creation. I want to play off of the purposes of linked in, so that my future employers can gain a deeper look into all that I offer as a potential candidate to be hired into their company. Viewers will begin by being introduced to me. To create a portfolio-style feel, at the top of the page, they will see my name, picture, and profile statement. In regards to the paths viewers can engage with, they will be able to navigate the website by clicking on pathways for my resume, lists to references, and examples of my work history. Within each of these pages, I will have a heading reexplaining which link they have chosen to explore. I want to make each page interactive and inviting. I want to use colors that are inviting, so I can create a professional, cohesive feel for my page. To guide the attention of my viewers, I want to make sure that I have a tool bar within each page. The purpose of my portfolio is to show off all my skillsets and assets as a worker, so I want to make sure my page is as navigable as possible. I think to make this page successful in showing off that I am, I need to make this website as simple as possible. I notice that the more complicated I try to make a project, the less effective it is.

brittanybenson8 commented 4 years ago

For my website, I am going to create a site that highlights and educates people about the Disney College Program. I did this program when I was 19 and lived and worked at Disney World for one year. Ever since then, I am constantly being asked about the program and tips for navigating the parks. Since I was there for a long time, I learned many inside tricks on how to best work the system. I'd like to create a place that talks about what it was like to work for the company and ways to make the best out of a trip there. I am planning on having a page to describe the program, a page that highlights different roles--for this I am planning on asking some of my friends to share their experiences and thoughts on their specific position, and a page that lists vacation tips that I learned while living down there. When it comes to assets, most of the images I use will come from pictures I have taken; I am planning on getting other ones that might be needed from an online source. Here is the link to my repo and the image I drew in class last Thursday. IMG_8150

emaur commented 4 years ago

For my website project, I want to create a portfolio showcasing my projects, publications, digital media assets, etc. As Alex said, resumes and LinkedIn can be very one dimensional and aren’t able to fully exhibit my work to possible recruiters. Creating a personal website would allow recruiters to see the full range of my professional capabilities on an aesthetically pleasing platform, which is a beneficial way to display my work to recruiters because of the type of field I am going into.


I am still not 100% set on the layout of my site and the different tabs I want to have, as I know I’ll play around with it a lot when it comes to designing it. However, my plan right now is to have 3-4 individual pages: course projects, publications, digital media, and (maybe) professional experience. My goal for my homepage is to have each section visible with previews of the work or designs, and you are able to hover over them and it will take you to the specific piece, or you can click on the section to see it in full.

Ruhi35 commented 4 years ago

For my website I wanted to create a website to consolidate everything I have learned while working with children. I will have a welcome screen, with a small intro to the website, and then I will have a menu on the top that will take you to pages where I will have a collection of my favorite children's book and a page with my favorite activities/experiments, and another page that has an 'about me'/teaching experience page. IMG_1765

Ruhi35 commented 4 years ago
