benmiller314 / cdm2019fall

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Blog post: mapping out the possibilities #13

Open benmiller314 opened 4 years ago

benmiller314 commented 4 years ago

Here we are: it's time to develop executable proposals for a collaborative final project that will allow you to integrate – and extend – what you’ve learned about composing digital media.

You can directly reference an idea from the earlier brainstorming blog posts, or to start fresh. (Feel free, also, to draw on the links I've posted in lesson 20.) The question is essentially the same:

Where I'll push you a little farther now is to think about the role that collaboration might play here: what are the component tasks of this project, and how might two or three partners work together to achieve them?

As always on the forum, replying directly to each other is optional but encouraged: just use the @ symbol to flag someone by username.

racheljfu commented 4 years ago

I think the exact specifics of the project might depend on the interests of everyone on the group. For example someone who's interested in web design and someone who's interested in visual design could combine and then divide work based on their interests to do visual programming or a game on Twine. Personally, I'm willing to work on anything but I enjoy doing any visual-based projects (I can edit photos and draw digitally) and I'm not bad at the basic HTML / CSS / Audacity things. As for any super specific or advanced knowledge though I don't have any experience with using any other software or things like CSS libraries, Javascript, or video or animation.

ajs1102 commented 4 years ago

The exact direction the project might go would depend on the skills of everyone in the group, but like Rachel I would like to do a project that focuses on visuals. Personally I know that I really enjoy HTML/CSS/Javascript programming, so we could combine that with image editing and other skills to create a unique visual design.

epesetsky commented 4 years ago

Like my peers have mentioned above, I also wish to work on a visual project. I really enjoyed our last unit on visual argument, and would like to create some kind of visual design. I will say that HTML/CSS are more difficult for me, so I think using other programs such as Adobe InDesign or Adobe Photoshop (or GIMP) might be a better option. I am also open to looking into animation, although I have no prior knowledge on this.

wsc9 commented 4 years ago

I am completely open to whatever other people have suggested. I am up for anything, because I have enjoyed everything we have done so far. It has been interesting to venture out into different areas that I haven't touched much before, such as HTML/CSS, but I have also liked learning new ways of audio editing, and developing visual arguments. So whatever we do I am probably all for it.

emmaknaub commented 4 years ago

As most people above have mentioned, I liked the visual unit and would like to do something with a visual component for the final project. While using HTML and CSS are slightly difficult for me, I enjoy working with them as well. I am also open to experimenting with new software and design techniques. I don't have any specific ideas for what I want to do for the final project, though. I agree that a group's final project would depend on the skills and/or interests of the specific members of the group, so I think it would make the most sense to get a group together and then discuss interests and figure out a project route from there.

jadenash21 commented 4 years ago

This is super aspirational, but maybe creating a digital software platform. We could incorporate all three projects that in this final by creating a software program of our choice.

fatemaquaid987 commented 4 years ago

I really enjoyed working on the projects in all the 3 units. Therefore, I am open to whatever other people or specifically my group members would suggest. My personal preference would, however, be making a dynamic website using HTML, CSS, and javascript or a video project.

fathimashabnam commented 4 years ago

Most of the projects listed as suggestions sound interesting to me. I would prefer to work with visual arguments and sound narratives (and a combination) and steer a little bit away from html/css just due to my abilities and time constraint, but I don't have a strong preference to any project. Animation, foley and even twine (which I believe is not too coding heavy?) sound like great ideas! I think the scope of the project can definitely be expanded with multiple team members, as we could play on each other's strengths and exponentially increase in creative ideas for the project. Depending on the project chosen, we would have to decide on how the work can be divided and brought together.