benmiller314 / cdm2019fall

Code base for Ben Miller's course in Composing Digital Media
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Soundscape Proposal (HW after Th 9/5) #5

Open benmiller314 opened 4 years ago

benmiller314 commented 4 years ago

Write a brief proposal for your soundscape narrative project. What place or environment will you try to represent? What story will you try to tell – or, at least, what is the premise (starting point) of that story?

See the full range of thought-questions in the assignment prompt for brainstorming strategies.

NB: I am asking you to include a prospective assets list, i.e. a table of the sounds you think you'll need and where you might be able to source them. You can choose to include that assets list here or place it as a file (e.g. in your repository, to more easily track changes.

Either way, please include a link here to your soundscape repository, making it easier to find when we get to group work.

ajs1102 commented 4 years ago

For my audio project, I am considering creating a soundscape of a bus. Using the assets listed on my repository, I could anchor the space on that of a bus with the sounds of the engine, the squeaking of the brakes, and the chatter in the background.

Some of the stories I could tell on the bus could include a passenger being way too loud on the phone, and my thoughts as I listen to the annoying person. I could also tell the story of me trying to figure out my stop, and maybe nearly missing it. I could include both of these in the short span of the soundscape by having it begin on the bus, with me being annoyed with the phone conversation, and ending as I get off the bus, nearly missing my stop because of the distraction.

A link to my github repository for this project (proposed assets are in

racheljfu commented 4 years ago

In my soundscape narrative I want to use sounds of the city of Pittsburgh / my dorm room / my hometown in Central PA to portray a narrator's feelings of homesickness and lonesomeness. The narrator will start off as a disoriented new student, but after learning to channel the happiness of her past into the present, she becomes more in-tune and comfortable with her surroundings.

I talk some more about this in my readme file and assets list. There's more information in there about the sounds I'm planning to use.

Here is my repository--you can everything in there.

fatemaquaid987 commented 4 years ago

My soundscape project will be based inside a haunted house. My recording will, therefore, feature a horror plot with one lead character and four side characters or friends. It starts off with a group of friends who plan to take a road trip together. While on the road, the group faces an unexpected halt in the middle of the night. They are forced to take refuge in a deserted house, by the road, which welcomes them with a series of haunting events. At the beginning of the soundscape, I will try to set the pace and give a sense of movement by including sounds like chit chat of friends, movement of the car, wind, etc. Once inside the haunted house, varying creepy noises, tense music, as well as screams, will give this story its horror feel.

Below is a link to my forked repository which contains the assets list.: The list includes both the created assets list and repurposed list. For the repurposed list, I have included the link of the website from which I plan to gather some audios.

cjc162 commented 4 years ago

I plan to have a prison setting for my soundscape. The plot will consist of guards making final rounds for the night, checking the various cells. After, an alarm will sound signifying a prison break. Various alarms, police sirens, and chase music will then occur. I plan on focusing on various background noises such as cell doors, keys rattling, etc. to give a prison feel in the beginning. Then I will make use of chase music to add some excitement to the prison break. I also would like to experiment with varying different audio levels to give a sense of depth perception to the audience.

Link to my repository with my proposed asset list:

emmaknaub commented 4 years ago

For my soundscape project, I was thinking of giving the listener a glimpse into the mind of a student during class. The sound narrative would highlight the different things that the student might be thinking about and doing during a particularly boring class. The student might fall asleep, doodle, text, or daydream during class, so I would add sounds that would indicate these things. I also want to add random thoughts that are inspired by the things that pop into my head during class.

I think I want the soundscape to have a comedic feel, so I want to try to make the thoughts pretty bizarre, and I might add an upbeat/funky sounding song in the beginning like in a sitcom to give a lighthearted feel to it. During class the student will be doing whatever they can to keep themselves entertained while they countdown the minutes until class is over, and then at the very end when class is finally over and they get excited, the professor will ask to talk to them (it would end with that, but it would presumably be to address the student's inattention during class).

Here is the link to my repository with my assets list:

fathimashabnam commented 4 years ago

For my soundscape project, my story follows a young girl’s journey in Disneyland Paris through the eyes of the Ariel doll her mother buys for her. The clip will begin at the Disneyland store where we get introduced to Dania, and will take us through the different experiences and sounds unique to Disneyland.

Here you can find my detailed proposal and my assets file:

jlatiniii commented 4 years ago

For my soundscape project, I plan to tell a story of a person in a coma. My voice will be used as this main character in the coma. It will start off as the main character leaving the house for the day and getting into a car accident. It will then eventually fade into a hospital scene with heart monitor noises, an oxygen mask, and doctors/nurses talking. My voice will represent the thoughts in the main character's head while in the coma. There will be a lot of fading in and out to convey the passage of time. There will also be family members voices talking to the person in the coma as well as a song being played (the main character's favorite song). Towards the end, something will go wrong and the heart monitor will flat line for a few seconds, but then the main character will awake from the coma shortly after.

This is my repository containing my assets list:

kevinikea commented 4 years ago

For my soundscape project I would like to create a soundscape that shows the tension and release of a big play at the end of a sporting event. I want the listener to be able to feel the tension of an at-bat in the bottom of the 9th, the release of a golden goal in the NHL, or the heartbreak of the double doink that Bears fans felt last postseason, or an NBA buzzer beater game winner. I want the build to be large enough to a point where the tension being released can be felt by the listener.

I want to do a voiceover for the audio, as it'd be nice to get a narration that guides the listener through the process and creating the tension for the release. This could be the piece where my 3 layer audio could potentially go as we would have the narration, the sports stadium audio, and some background music going all at once.

I'm really excited to create this project and I would love input from anyone.

Repo link:

Ruhi35 commented 4 years ago

For my soundscape project I would like to create a soundscape to characterize the sounds of a family vacation. I want to convey stress and relaxation, the chaos created by a group of people as they get ready for an early flight, go to the airport, etc., and then the contrasting relaxation and peace once all the details are sorted out. I want to use sounds of transportation, zipping of a suitcase, ocean wave sounds, etc.

repo link:

epesetsky commented 4 years ago

For my soundscape audio project, I am planning to create a storyline focused on technology and social media and how this dominates our lives. Through my story, I want to portray the idea that no matter what happens in our day, we turn back to technology for every off second that we have to fill time and space. For some of the sounds like the clock ticking and music playing, I will repurposed already created assets, but for things I can do myself like the sound of steps, door opening/closing, and the "walk sign to cross Forbes" in Oakland, I will record these myself. By the end of the soundscape, the person will be so tired of technology and its draining effects that they will fall asleep and finally escape the never-ending cycle.

My repository link:

emaur commented 4 years ago

For my soundscape narrative, I’m aiming to tell a story about someone who figured out how to lucid dream, and then actively starts trying to do so every night. I want to portray this feeling of addiction, which consequently ends in a nightmare when the character expects to lucid dream as they do every night, but ends up experiencing sleep paralysis and facing a dark figure in their bedroom. This soundscape will include sounds that encompass getting home for the day — door shutting and locking, shoes getting taken off, and keys being put down — washing up for bed, the white noise of a bedroom, and enchanting sounds to represent being in a dream-state.

Repo link:

wsc9 commented 4 years ago

For my soundscape project, I am planning on telling the story of a salvage crew who has been tasked with the job of investigating, and repossessing a large, hulking mass of an abandoned space ship. I really want to bring through the feeling of being stuck on a massive, super complex, and empty ship, thats floating through the cold emptiness of space. My inspiration for this is the sound design in the classic sci-fi/horror movie Alien. The story will follow the salvage agent Echo One, and his off site support tech Tex, as the two attempt to navigate the ship and find the source of the chips abandonment. I am really interested in sound design and folly work, so I would like to try and record as much audio on my own as possible. I am sure I will use some shelved audio for some of the sound, such as some of the more specified technical noises, (ie cold water falling onto a hot pipe), but I'm hoping I'll be able to do most of it on my own.

Repository Link

ram716 commented 4 years ago

For my soundscape I'm thinking of telling a story that takes place at a camping cabin. I'm not sure where I want to take it or what I want to include yet. A hike through the woods, a nearby running stream, a campfire & a horror story, and some other ideas come to mind. I don't have a solid plan on how to weave together a sound story yet, but I plan on going camping/to a cabin before the first rough draft is due in order to (hopefully) get some inspiration.

Repo Link Here

serkeight commented 4 years ago

For my soundscape I want to tell the story of a werewolf transformation gone wrong. It will start off during a house party and then transition to the woods. In order to do this I will use sounds that convey a gruesome transformation as well as some nature noises and neighborhood/party noises. You can find my on my repo.

jadenash21 commented 4 years ago

For my soundscape, I want to exemplify the stresses of being in an health care environment. Living in Pittsburgh, the health care scene is very prominent. I want to portray how a high stakes environment like an emergency room or hospital waiting area could negatively affect a person's mood, emotions, and anxiety levels. I want to examine if there are any areas in hospitals where the sounds are soothing and patients feel at ease. I plan on using sounds like the ambulances, medi-vac helicopters, silent and eery waiting rooms, doctors and nurses being called on the PA system, and even the cafeteria.

rmr78 commented 4 years ago

For my audio project, I would like to create a soundscape of a rock concert. Concerts are always hectic and full of energy, so I want to portray that in my soundscape. It will tell a story of somebody's experience throughout a concert- all of the highs and lows included in that, including having a great time enjoying the music, but also getting kicked in the face by a crowd surfer. I also want to include different instrumental sounds, such as intense bass and drum sounds.

My repository link:

brittanybenson8 commented 4 years ago

For my soundscape, I want to tell a simple but relatable story about being late to work. My plan is to increase the intensity of sound as time goes on to try to accurately represent the anxiety that comes with being in a rush. I want to start it off with sounds of someone getting ready in a rush. Then, I want to include rushing through the city. I am going to use sounds of traffic, heavy footsteps, and intense music.

My repository link:

dwohning commented 4 years ago

For my soundscape narrative project I will represent a train station. I will be using sounds such as the trains coming/going, background noises such as birds chirping, and side conversations that you would hear at the station. In addition I will be telling the story of someone whose train is late, so they begin to get impatient and frustrated.

My repository link:

jadenash21 commented 4 years ago

For my soundscape, I want to exemplify the stresses of being in an health care environment. Living in Pittsburgh, the health care scene is very prominent. I want to portray how a high stakes environment like an emergency room or hospital waiting area could negatively affect a person's mood, emotions, and anxiety levels. I want to examine if there are any areas in hospitals where the sounds are soothing and patients feel at ease. I plan on using sounds like the ambulances, medi-vac helicopters, silent and eery waiting rooms, doctors and nurses being called on the PA system, and even the cafeteria.

Here is my full soundscape!