benmiller314 / cdm2020fall

Source files for a course in Composing Digital Media at the University of Pittsburgh
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Proposal: Website Portfolio #11

Open benmiller314 opened 3 years ago

benmiller314 commented 3 years ago

Write a brief proposal for your multi-page website project. What materials or ideas will you include? Where will viewers of the site begin ("land"), and by what paths will they find their way to other areas of the site? How might you guide their attention to and through the materials, based on what you want to emphasize and on what they'll be looking for?

See the full range of thought-questions in the assignment prompt for brainstorming strategies.

As explained in class, your proposal should include the following:

AlexaSpaventa commented 3 years ago

As a computer science major most of the internships I apply to require or at least ask for a link to a personal website. From what I have seen these personal websites tend to act as a sort of interactive resume often with slightly more information than can be contained on a resume. So for my website I want to create this sort of website. The general style I am going for will be clean and professional with large images and a consistent color scheme. For my pages I plan to do a home screen with just some general info about myself and some links to things such as my GitHub, LinkedIn, and Email. Additionally, I want to include a projects page with links to projects I have completed for Hackatons and as a stretch goal for myself potentially having the projects directly intractable on the website (rather than linking them). For example, having an app you could click through. Additionally, I plan to include a full version of my current resume (updated to fit the style of the site). I also think an about page and an activities page could be useful just to include some general information about myself. As far as assets go I’ll need pictures/videos of my projects and icon images for the social media I plan to link, as well as some generic photos. Most of the text I will come up with myself and I will use CSS to keep it consistent throughout. Website Design Image Link to Repository Link to Assets

hjo6 commented 3 years ago

For my website project, I have decided I would like to create a personal webpage that contains school projects, personal projects, and information about my influences and the experiences that have shaped me into who I am. Part of the reason I chose this idea for my project is reflecting on my work and life up to this point and preparing to take the next step in my life after graduating. As a computer science major, it’s important to have a repository containing examples of the work I’ve done, so this webpage will serve that purpose while also including interesting details about my life.

For the design, I want there to be a home/welcome page with a short biography about me, and then 4 sections: school projects, personal projects, influences, and experiences. Each of those sections will have subsections, so far I have the following subsections for each section:

School Projects:

Personal Projects:



I haven’t decided whether I want these subsections to be split into their own pages or split into their own sections on the parent-section page. I feel that there are some subsections that would benefit from having their own webpages (especially the project sections, but also part of the influences section) while others could benefit from being on a single page (experiences, consolidating some of the influences into fewer pages). My design sketch for the website can be found here. My prospective assets chart can be found here. Basically, it includes images of the influences and from my experiences, audio files for my personal projects, and a possible video from my Battle of the Bands. My repository can be found here.

LDib commented 3 years ago

I'm going to create a website for myself as a musician that I can direct people to so they can find my music and see the aesthetic I'm going for. To do that, I need a landing page that grabs people's attention, directs them to music as quickly as possible, AND fits the aesthetic I want. I'm probably going to fail at that on the first try, but hopefully I can eventually figure it out. From the landing page, there should be links to the two different types of music I'm making with their own aesthetics, and a link to an about page. Somewhere there should also be links to Bandcamp and other such websites.


Here's a sketch of the landing page: IMG_4914

Link to my repo:

Maials268 commented 3 years ago

For my project, I want to create a personal webpage that showcases the work I’ve done. In reference to a target audience, this website could possibly be for potential employers. I think it would be beneficial to have as it will give those who view it direct access to the work I’ve done. Additionally, personal websites are easy to update, therefore, I can continuously make changes to it in terms of new skills I’ve picked up or work I’ve done. Some key elements I plan to include are: bio, examples of my work(research, intern, academic,), conference presentations, creative presentations, contact information. Assets:

Here’s the landing page sketch: website vs. mobile layout IMG_4613 Link to repo:

heh44 commented 3 years ago

For my project, I am going to create a website which gives information about leisure activities in Pennsylvania. Near the top of the home page, there will be a navigation bar which will allow the user to move through the site. The bar will include paths to pages about PA cities, sports teams, general attractions, dining, universities, and outdoor activities. These will each be separate pages and will describe notable locations within the category. A welcome note/letter will be under the navigation bar. There will be a side bar or panel that will present weather or traffic information. The site is meant to encourage exploration of PA to out-of-state and in-state residents. The navigation bar is intended to guide the user towards the most important and exciting aspects of the state. My sketch is of the homepage. IMG_2300

assets: repo:

shreyababu commented 3 years ago

For my website, I want to focus on the 1994 Rwandan Genocide. Through most of middle school and all of high school, I participated in an annual competition with my best friends called National History Day, where there would be a theme released yearly and you+ your group had to create a project in 1 of 5 categories. Our format each year was documentary (you could also pick a paper, website, exhibit, or performance), and our project junior year was on the Rwandan Genocide. This topic really stuck with me beyond our project that year and I am even interested in doing further research on it in a university research setting, and on other genocides/ human rights issues. I want my website to theoretically act as a vehicle to bring awareness to the Rwandan Genocide, and also direct viewers to modern-day genocides globally, and other resources to look at about human rights abuses. I want the main page to have eye-catching photos from the genocide, with the documentary below it. There should be tabs on the bottom- one takes you to a page about modern day genocides, and one takes you to a page about human rights abuses.


LINKS TO: Repo Assets

LLP37 commented 3 years ago

For my website project, I want to create a personal website that showcases the work I have done in various classes as well as gives information about myself. I think the homepage would have a picture of me, short bio, links to other platforms (LinkedIn, Github). On another page I would have the projects I want to showcase (for example I would put the projects for this class), I want to try and imbed things like the audio file in directly so it can be played within the website. I also think I would like to have a Contact page with more contact information such as my email. Lastly, I think maybe have a page that is like a blog where I could talk about various topics related to Computing & Information, etc. could be interesting. The Blog page would list the Blot Title and beginning of article, clicking on it would link to the article.

Assets: -Photo of me -My projects -Write a blog post or two -Links to other socials

Landing page on website: IMG_2238

Link to repo :

raisedDeadWizard commented 3 years ago

For my website I am proposing making a personal website page that I can use for applying for internships/jobs. The page will host bio information along with work experience and programming and art portfolios. I will be including a home/launch page that displays a gameboy advance with a bunch of cartridges which is how you will navigate to different pages. I am hoping to learn some JavaScript animations that I can include for this like when a cartridge is clicked, it enters the gameboy before moving to the next page. The other pages include a bio page, work experience page, and the portfolio pages I mentioned earlier. I would also consider adding a writing portfolio page later on.

Design sketches here: IMG_1610


Assets Repo

kevdliedel commented 3 years ago

For my website, I think I'd like to create one about myself and the places I call home. There are 4 places that I've lived at for a relatively long time, and I think of all of them as homes. My main page would have an intro blurb about myself, and then 4 circular images with text within them naming the places, all being links to other pages that would show images of the areas and text explaining them. Under these icons on the main webpage, I would probably have a thank you blurb for Dr. Miller for help in teaching me all of the skills I need for creating this project. There may be more within the site as I think about it more, but this is my jumping off point for now.

Prospective assets:

Design Sketch: website sketch

Link to Repository:

leiawerner commented 3 years ago

For my website, I want to make a personal blog. I am pretending that I have a following base of some kind, and this is my personal page. I will start off with my homepage. It will include a brief intro and then have some images. Then, it will have links to other subjects. I will have recommendations/reviews on movies, fashion, and music. I want this to be a very fun and creative blog. I want to make it personal but also relatable. Proposed assets:

This a sketch of the homepage: IMG_5152

Link to repo:

bschatz17 commented 3 years ago

for my website, I would like to focus on one of my favorite movies, Good Will Hunting. I want to make a website that shows all facets of the movie, from the cast list to film locations and critic reviews. I imagine the main page will contain images from the film as well as behind the scenes, and all the links will take the user to the designated section. I am passionate about movies, specifically those featuring Matt Damon and or Robin Williams. This website will be designed and targeted towards those who have seen the film, as well as those who have not.


repo assets

KyleMaxwell1224 commented 3 years ago

For this project, I wanted to create a website that is reflective of my non-professional personality. There are two reasons for this. Firstly, I have already created a website-portfolio that I use to show potential employers. But also, I think there is much more to know about me than just my professional experiences, so I wanted to create a website that shows off my personality without placing an emphasis on my work ethic.


This is a rough draft of my website design. My plan is to create a side-nav bar as shown and create relative links to pages that I will create. The links on the left side are just potential ideas, as one of them is an up-to-date sports betting line on the Steelers (which may not be school appropriate, so it is currently just a potential idea).

Link to repo Assets

jkomalley commented 3 years ago

During the mental health day Pitt gave us I built a new computer named Edith. For my website I want to showcase this computer with glamor photos of its different components and pages with details about its specs. The feel for the website I'm going for will be similar to how apple showcases their products on The main landing page for the website will have a background of the inside of the pc, with the menu options aligned with the right side of the motherboard. There will be a specs page where I will highlight each of the components in the pc along side a glamor shot of them in the pc. Another page will feature the cable management of the computer to show how I routed all the wires from each component together.

image Here is a rough doodle of my website concept. All of the LEDs are RGB so I will play around with those to make it look good for the glamor shots. I might move the layout around a little bit, or even remove the menu entirely and just have the actual image of the computer be interactive, so the user could click on the graphics card and see its specs, the same with the spu, ram, etc.

repo assets

peekssezin commented 3 years ago

For the wesbite portfolio project, I plan to take all of the opportunity I have with this project. I want to create some sort of website that gives the viewer exactly the idea of the kind of person I am. I plan to have the site separated into three sections, one based on my academic achievements, one based on my job experience, and one based on just what I enjoy. My plan was to have the website start in some sort of central hub, which branches off to the three different sections. (Pardon the crude MS Paint Drawing) image

The rectangles will link to different pages, that would show different images, pdfs, or other text files based on which section is which. The Job Experience would likely contain files like my resume, as well as a list of the jobs I've worked. The Academics page will likely be along the same lines, linking project files or images based on my work. The Who I Am page will likely be a free for all, including anything about me.


carlystanford commented 3 years ago

For my website, I think it would be fun to create a blog. Instead of a professional portfolio type website, I'm thinking something that's more casual and conversational in tone, and includes content that is also casual, everyday-type blog posts. I also really love to bake, so I'm considering maybe centering the blog around my baking/food. For the pages that I expect to include, I will most likely have a home page, an about page for some information about myself, a page or dropdown menu of content or categories of posts, and a contact page. Assets I might need:

JTH74 commented 3 years ago

For my website, I am going to make a website that gives information about the charity events that I host. The main page will contain graphics and links to past and current events along with an announcement slot which has announcements in it. The side pages will state my mission statement along with a social media page and a contact page.


repo link:

csk32 commented 3 years ago

For my website, I plan to feature a week's worth of quick and easy dinners. As someone who is a foodie, I think this will be a really fun project for me. I expect to include 8 different pages: a homepage, and then a page for each day and meal (7 in total). The homepage will have a picture and description of each dinner as well as a button to view the recipe. The assets for this project will include pictures from the internet and maybe some of my own pictures to showcase how the meals look. I additionally may add pictures to each step of the individual recipes, but we will see how that works out. Here is my design sketch: IMG_2845 Repo: Assets:

trinitymccool commented 3 years ago

For my website, I want to create a place where I can dump some of the things I've created. I like to consider myself an artist, and I have quite a bit of artwork I'd like to share. These mediums include painting on canvas (I just recently received my first ever commission, which I am excited about!), some films I have made in my time at Pitt (including the progress of my capstone project), sketches, photography, videography, and makeup looks (that I usually base off of music, whether it be a specific song or an album). I would also like to include the projects from this class as well, as I consider them art, too. I'm gonna be honest, this HTML and CSS stuff is probably one of the hardest things I've ever had to learn and utilize, so I am definitely going to fail more than once, but hopefully I can create something that I, and you, are proud of. Assets: -my artwork -photos of myself and other people (with their consent) -album artwork I base some of my art off of -various projects completed for school

I want my website to look a little bit like this, although I am not quite sure yet. I want something that is easy to make, as I am not experienced in this at all, but something that looks nice too. IMG_4040

briansostek commented 3 years ago

Website Portfolio Proposal

This is the location of my new and improved website, which I hope to replace with my old website at the link of This site features ugly and outdated looking styling. I want to improve it using my newfound CSS and HTML skills. I also want to include some JavaScript/interactive things, including a sliding background. My website will mostly feature the same content but will look more professional. The main content to be displayed are my computer science projects that I have made since I've been at college.

Here are my assets for my site: