Open benmiller314 opened 4 years ago
We are making a podcast with a website, logo, and sound effects. This will involve recording and editing audio, making a new website, and editing images using GIMP and/or photoshop (for the website and logo). The main task for this project will be the website and the podcast. As far as assets go we are designing the logo but there may be other images we will want to include on the website. Additionally, some of the sound effects we are considering for the podcast may need to be found online. I am working with a group (Jagr Krtanjek, Kyle Maxwell, and myself). I think I already have a basic understanding of the tools I will be using to work on this project the only thing that may be new is the website since it will require more JavaScript for interactive elements. Additionally, since one of my main roles will be to help edit the podcast that will be somewhat new since the only audio experience I have was making the soundscape earlier in the semester. Link to repo:
For the Consolidation project, I will be working with Maia and Christiana on a branding project for our podcast. Christiana is going to be doing the social media/logos for it, Maia is doing the website, and I will be editing our podcast (probably in iMovie). For our podcast, we plan to gear it towards college students on their walking commute to class (during non-COVID times) and we plan to record about three 10ish minute episodes today in class. I think we all have a good understanding of the tools we plan to use. My main role will be creating an intro for the podcast and editing it, which I think could get a little challenging as I don't have too much audio experience (other than the soundscape at the beginning of the semester) but I think it will be okay.
Google Drive link (will later probably make a repo and link it here):
A brief overview of my final project goals:
Essentially I'd like to do two broad things.
I think this overview also functions really well as a task list, and I can start to tackle it in pretty much any order I want to.
For the consolidation project, I will create a second visual argument. I will make a brochure that lists the pros and cons of several housing options for pitt students. I will use my experience and time spent in different locations/buildings to explain what I liked and disliked about them. I intend for this to be done through gimp. There is a chance that I instead use html and create a website instead of a visual argument. I will need to draft my pros and cons for several of the most common housing options around oakland. I will need to acquire different photos of these buildings. I will either take photos myself or find them with a creativecommons license. I may have to brush up on images and image formats in html if I decide to go down the website route. I think I have all the skills needed to finish this project. By the end of the week, I plan to have the majority of my photo assets. I will also have a rough sketch of how I want to present the project.
For my final project, I will be doing a combination of two things. First, I will be doing a very small revision to my visual argument based on the feedback I have been given. Second, I will be making upgrades to my website to make it better. Then I will be combining the two by making a whole new page on my website that is centered around my visual argument. There could be more from GIMP that is added but I am not quite sure yet. The end goal is to take these two projects I've already done, and improve them.
For my final project, I will continue to work on revising my website so that I can use it as a portfolio when applying to jobs in the near future. As for assets, I plan on adding more of my own projects to the website page; I also will potentially add more photos to the homepage as a sort of gallery. I think that, for the most part, I know how to do all of the things I have planned for this final project, although I know I'll need to look around on how to display my coding assignments and how to demo the code. Due to the personal nature of what I want to be using my website for after this class, I plan on working on this project alone. My goals and task lists can be found at my branched website portfolio repository, here.
For my final project, I want to update my website from the last unit to be better. I want to make my site a lot more interactive (maybe clickable maps, more videos, etc). I also want to add more pictures but figure out a way to have them not be too distracting from the information. It would be cool to learn some of the coding skills to present the pictures in a "moving" or interactive way rather than just stagnant, such as the moving gallery. I also think I could add a lot more information in general. And, I think I could work on the font appearances if I could because I feel like some of the combinations might benefit from alteration. I will be working on this project by myself.
I created a new branch of my website portfolio. Link to repo here!
For my final project, I would like to focus/emphasize the first project, the soundscape narrative. I love the fact that you can tell a story using only sound, so I am mixing this fact with something else I'm more familiar with considering my filmmaking background-- the Kuleshov effect. The Kuleshov effect is a film editing phenomenon where viewers derive meaning from the interaction from two sequential shots rather than just one. In this experiment, filmmaker Lev Kuleshov juxtaposes his neutral facial expression with another shot-- whether it be a casket, a lustful woman, or a baby-- so the viewers can try to indicate what he is feeling. If you see a casket before you see his neutral expression, you can assume he is sad. A scandalous woman, you can assume he is lustful. A baby, you can assume he is happy. Here is a video that is better at visually explaining:
However, for my project, I'm doing a different approach to the Kuleshov effect. Rather than using visuals, I am going to add different music to express how my netural facial expression is feeling. I will add in songs that attempt to make the viewer think that I am feeling happy, sad, in love, lustful, angry, etc. using music rather than visuals.
This is the link to the box:
For my final project unit, I'm going to focus on upgrading my website. There were several things I wanted to do that I didn't get a chance to finish, so I would like to work on making it more like I envisioned in my head. I want to work on images for the button links, absolute links for more information about each area, a color scheme for the background of the site, new fonts for the site and a better layout for the images. I've made a new branch to my website repo:
Maia, Lydon, and Christianna Repo:
For my consolidation project I will be putting more work and detail into my website. This will include more pages, more fluid design, and possibly more javascript. The website project was a very daunting and difficult task, but I would like to put more time into the design for a final product.
My plan for my consolidation project is to add a media page to my website. I will be also tweaking anything else to make it a lot smoother. I am doing this in order to gain more experience for the future since I aspire to be a data analyst and knowing websites will be helpful.
Use this space to share your proposed plan for the final unit of the course. I recommend trying to answer questions like these:
Please also share a link to your repository, so we can find it: there isn't a single repo to fork this time around. If it's a revision, please create a new branch in your existing project repository and point us to it.
The calendar
Feel free to answer this in the readme of your repo, rather than the proposal, if you don't yet have answers.
You may not be able to pin down dates until you get into the mix and see what's easy and what's harder than expected. But because our time for this unit is limited, it's important to set goals you can update as you know more. So, for now, what are you trying to finish...
by end-of-week 2020-11-14?
by Tuesday, 2020-11-17?
by Thursday, 2020-11-19 (the last day of classes)?