benmiller314 / cdm2020spring

website codebase for Ben Miller's course in Composing Digital Media
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Proposal: Website Portfolio #10

Open benmiller314 opened 4 years ago

benmiller314 commented 4 years ago

Write a brief proposal for your multi-page website project. What materials or ideas will you include? Where will viewers of the site begin ("land"), and by what paths will they find their way to other areas of the site? How might you guide their attention to and through the materials, based on what you want to emphasize and on what they'll be looking for?

See the full range of thought-questions in the assignment prompt for brainstorming strategies.

As explained in class, your proposal should include the following:

haileytrampel commented 4 years ago

The appeal I want to make is “Keeping the Oldies Young”. I have always loved ‘oldies’ and it has become something me and my parents share. They love showing me their favorites from when they were my age and they get excited when I discover an old song that brings back memories for them. I was thinking it would be cool to make a website about oldies and my favorite artists, especially ones that have made a ‘comeback’ with this generation, through remixes and trends.

My main page will be an introduction, much like the one given above, with a selection bar at the top. There will be buttons to select an artist (currently I am thinking Johnny Cash, Elton John, Tom Petty, David Bowie, and Billy Joel) that will take you to the section on that artist. Each page will have a quick bio or fun facts about the artist, and then provide some images. It will also have a playlist linked (this might be too aspirational, but it would be really cool!) of remixes of that artist’s songs from SoundCloud.

My current prospective aspects include:

This was my design sketch from class and, while it is very rough, it does sum up all my ideas as of now. There definitely will be modifications as I play around with HTML and CSS in the future, but it will start somewhat like this: Screen Shot 2020-02-29 at 2 02 34 PM

My repo:

lumiio commented 4 years ago

For my website I'm hoping to do something like a "A year in review" style thing for all the games I've played in 2019 across various platforms. Each platform that I've play games for will have its own pages (ps4, Switch, PC/steam), with various stats like most played game, favorite game, least favorite, most hours spent etc. My landing page should just say "Linda's year in review for games" or something along those lines. The home page will introduce the site.

For my assets, I will mostly just need game cover arts and also platform logos (steam, ps4, switch)



Dilan1020 commented 4 years ago

I plan on making a website where I do step-by-step instructions for cooking some of my favorite meals. I plan of having a main home page that displays the specific recipe pages. On the specific recipe pages, I will have instructions (with images) on how to cook certain meals using numbered lists. The home page will have a preview image of the final product that will link to the instruction pages.

My assets will include many pictures of the cooking process for these meals, including ingredients, cooking techniques, etc. I will take all of the images.

I also plan on doing an 'About Me' page where I will give some of my cooking background and experience.



kss73 commented 4 years ago

For my website I wanted to create an imaginary coffee shop called "Shah's cup of coffee". I am a huge coffee person but more than that I love spending time at Starbucks and looking for other cute coffee shops to study at. I wanted to make this coffee shop big on nature and very bright and the website would have the menu for different drinks, food, and I wanted to add plants where people can by plants to bring more life to their homes or offices. I want to focus on the colors white and green for this website to emphasize nature.

For my assets I will add pictures of how I imagine this coffee shop to look like and also pictures of the items on the menu. IMG_0764

mjb-123 commented 4 years ago

Right now my website portfolio proposal is doing something like a book blog/suggestion page. Reading is something I love to do and I basically have a small library in my room from all the books I've collected over the years. I want to share my favorite books and my opinions on them to other people who maybe don't read as much and want to get into it. I used to dislike reading when I was younger, but it's because I didn't know what types of books I liked. I think this could be fun to share books of all different genres to people who may be looking for what they like.

My home page would be an introduction page, a little information about me so that people know a little bit about me before they read my reviews. I want separate tabs for each genre of books I have so that people can save time and jump right to the genres they think they will be most interested in.

My aspects right now include... -pictures of all the books I review -fonts to go with each book genre -creative color scheme -possibly information about the authors (other books they have written, etc.)


emmawooten12 commented 4 years ago

I want to make a new website for my student organization, Pitt Dance Marathon. I am going to be using a lot of images from the organization's Google Drive, as well as the site, such as the number reveal (how much we raised) and pictures of some of the kids at the hospital. As seen in the rough sketch below, there is a homepage with several links leading to other pages on the site. Each link at the top will have a drop-down menu with several other options for navigation. There will be a directory of all the members, a link to each panel and position, etc.


Link to repo:

jerols4 commented 4 years ago

I'm planning on making a sort of photography portfolio to showcase pictures/albums that I've made. The landing page should be some sort of about page that explains the website in a concise manner and allows readers to view different works. I feel the best way to guide readers would be through some sort of top-down approach so that they can naturally read through the website, maybe having a thumbnail of different albums to preview them.

Other than the landing page, I suppose it would be best to have an 'about' page that goes into more detail, as well as individual pages for each set of photos. These pages can have an element that shows off the photos, then maybe I could incorporate 'share' buttons and a write up on the album.

I will be updating my assets file here:

My repo is available here:

I'm not really set on a specific layout, so this is subject to a lot of change, but here is one that I brainstormed so far: image

JakeBaumbaugh commented 4 years ago

For my website, I'd like to show off a collection of JavaScript projects made in p5.js, Processing's version of JavaScript, notably used on Khan Academy to teach programming. Some of these projects will be purely visual, others will likely be interactive, and I hope to make an even amount of each to separate them into two columns on the home page:

site sketch (Ignore the ripped paper and poor photograph)

I'd like to make the panels on the home page gifs of what the projects can do, rather than small versions of all the programs running, which would likely become resource intensive if scaled large enough. Each gif, when clicked, would link to a page containing the program running in its full glory, interactive or not. I could choose to show the code for each project if I choose to, either with a screenshot or a lot of CSS formatting. I want to make the gifs on the homepage grow when hovered over, which I may look to the example site shown to use with the fading button on how to make transitions.

As far as assets, if I use an stock images for headers, footers, etc., I intend to outsource those, otherwise all the projects will be made entirely by me (or friends, if they're interested in contributing).

My repository can be found here.

Tomasco16 commented 4 years ago

IMG_6553 I am not the best at drawing but my goal is to make a website for a project in my small business management class. This would be our company's website where we sell our product, talk about projects we would do in the community, and have a tab about ourselves. My goal is to have the picture grow and get more clear as the user hovers over the button. I am not sure if I will actually be able to do that but that is what goals are for. The header on our website will get the users attention with a very attractive picture of boats on the shore. I already have the picture picked out and could come up with the company mission statement and objectives easily. The largest thing I am still looking for would be the font to represent the brand. My repo link:

angelinepeng commented 4 years ago

For my website, I want to use only images that I've taken. I think I'm going to go with the idea of staying local and making my website about Pittsburgh's Top 10 Most Instagrammable spots. Each page will allow visitors to see the ranking list. I'm not quite sure if I need a home page... the 10th place spot might be the landing page for the article which I think is similar to how most other blogs show rankings. image

I want to use light and fun colors to show off that this is not a serious website. This is my repo:

onewport23 commented 4 years ago

For my website, I wanted to create a personal webpage. As I am beginning to apply for full-time jobs, I am realizing how helpful it would be to have a link that I could use in applications and send to recruiters that includes all of my portfolios, resume, bio, and maybe CV in the future. The ultimate intention of the webpage is to convey my personality and interests, and serve as a source to find all of my professional materials.

In terms of the webpage layout, I want the main home page to include my name, and three tabs (bio, writing portfolio, and design portfolio). In my opinion it makes the most sense for the homepage to automatically open the "bio" tab that contains a headshot and brief personal description. The next tab is "writing portfolio," which ideally could present scrollable links to PDFs of my writing pieces. Lastly, I would like the "design portfolio" tab to have a drop down menu, for users to choose from the different categories of my designs. As of now, I believe these will be: Creative Consulting Committee, Erie Humane Society, and Writing & Design Course. I may decide to add a fourth tab titled "Projects in Marketing" that would contain all of the materials from a semester-long project that I completed in the Fall. If I do not create a separate tab for this, I will include in in the "design portfolio" drop down menu.

All of the assets that I need will be self-sourced, as I am only using personal projects and photography. More specifically, I am using all of the media contained within my current portfolios.

Here is a rough outline of my design: IMG_0283


hannahlangmead commented 4 years ago

For my website I wanted to pick something that makes me happy and can be really fun for the whole class to look at/interact with. I plan to make a website about my friends' and classmates' dogs. The opening page will be an About Us page with pictures and short bios of people's dogs. There will be a page for care tips for the different breeds of dogs shown on the page. There will be a gallery page of more pictures of each dog. I also plan to make a quiz page that will include a homemade quiz about which dog you are out of the featured ones! For my assets, I plan to ask the class to send me pictures of their dogs and ask my other friends too. I will research for the care tips and create my own buzzfeed quiz. I want it to be colorful, cute, and full of pictures. IMG_7588

my repo:

Bmb154 commented 4 years ago

My current proposal shall be for a website "showcasing" a small gym I just built. It will serve as good incentive to get the gym photo worthy, and should also allow me to easily attain photos of my subject. The other assets I may need are some stock posters, some basic images from Ironmind, and maybe some music? Not sure about that last one...

Below is the hand-sketch of the website (not exactly great looking, sorry!) proposal

I plan to have a rotating set of images on the front page, that the user can manually select from, and set of general info below, with images. I estimate I should need around 6-9 images for the front page, which will all be compiled into the gallery, no images needed for the info page, 2 images for contests, and 1 for the join page. The rest would probably be text.

Lastly, the color scheme is hopefully going to be rather dark, with some Neon Colors on clickable elements for guiding the user. Red and Blue seem to work well, but my gym has a bit of Neon Green, so that might make its way in.


MDLudwig commented 4 years ago

For my website, I want to showcase all of the various buildings around the university. The website will include a couple different pages. The landing page will introduce the website and will contain general information as well as a navigation bar at the top. There will be a page that has information about each of the buildings that I chose to include, as well as a slideshow of pictures of the buildings. I will have a page containing my top 10 buildings on campus as well as my explanation for each. The last page will be a game called Cathy Clicker that I'll make. You'll be able to get points by clicking on Cathy. In terms of assets, all I'm really going to need is pictures from the buildings I decide to include, which I can most likely acquire myself or through r/Pitt on Reddit. I plan to use Bootstrap to do most of the design of the website. This is the bootstrap website

Link to my repo:

Rvonderhey commented 4 years ago

For my website, I would like to create a sneaker portfolio. One of my hobbies is collecting sneakers. The website home page will feature click-through buttons that will take you to sneakers by brand. I would like to have the images smaller on the sides and then blow up in the middle with each one you click on. The home page will also feature tabs for "about us" and "contact". Front and center on the home page I would like to display my favorite pair, perhaps "rotating" by using several images of the shoes at different angles.



katmiller10 commented 4 years ago

I feel like my website design idea is a little weird, and I might end up changing it, but for now I'm going to roll with it. I was thinking about breaking down the world of "Standoms" and fan groups for particular artists. I know I definitely will not be able to cover every fandom so instead I'm just going to pick a few and break them up into three different tiers. I think I'm going to have the legendary, iconic, and up-and-coming fandoms. I know my concept is a litter bizarre but I really like pop music and I'm hoping to make it kind of comedic. My website will have bright colors and go over the different aspect of each fanbase on three different pages.

In terms of assets I think I will need: -pictures of artists (Beyoncé, Lady Gaga, Taylor Swift, BTS, Dua Lipa, Katy Perry, etc.) -iconic tweets -bright fonts and headers -pictures of fans


sydneymasterson commented 4 years ago

For my project, I want to make a website for a club I am in - Pitt Kindness Cookies. This website will provide information on the club and its members, dates of cookie drops, and contact information. Some Pages I would like to include are: -Home/Menu -About Us -Cookie Drops -Get Involved -Resources: Mental Health resources on/off campus -Contact Us

Some Assets I might Need: -picture of cookie (the noun project) -picture of us (self-sourced) -some fun fonts -picture of Hillman library IMG_2695

ktdemay commented 4 years ago

For my website I'm thinking of making a compilation of the projects I've done in this class. It would be cool to have a collection and take the visitor through what I've done. The landing page would have a bar at the top to choose different pages (projects). It would then have a brief description of each project that would also have a link to take you to the page. Each project page will have a rundown of the assignment and how I completed it. It will be similar to the followup discussion post in nature.

