benmiller314 / cdm2020spring

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Soundscape Proposal (HW after Th 1/16) #3

Open benmiller314 opened 4 years ago

benmiller314 commented 4 years ago

Write a brief proposal for your soundscape narrative project. What place or environment will you try to represent? What story will you try to tell – or, at least, what is the premise (starting point) of that story?

See the full range of thought-questions in the assignment prompt for brainstorming strategies, and the Parachute Prompts at the bottom of the README if you're stuck.

NB: I am asking you to include a prospective assets list, i.e. a table of the sounds you think you'll need and where you might be able to source them. You can choose to include that assets list here or place it as a file (e.g. in your repository, to more easily track changes.

Either way, please include a link here to your soundscape repository, making it easier to find when we get to group work.

lumiio commented 4 years ago

For my soundscape narrative, I'm going to try to show the hectic symphony of sounds that get created when cooking in a kitchen. The story I'm going to tell is a girlfriend cooking dinner for her and her boyfriend, and slow rhythmic build in tension as she starts working on more and more things to cook.

In terms of assets, I'll be (hopefully) self recording the follow ones:

And will be sourcing these online (not sure of source yet):


haileytrampel commented 4 years ago

For my soundscape, I want to simply tell the story of a student walking to class along Forbes Avenue. It is something I do everyday and the noises have become a story in themselves to me.

My self-recorded assets will include:

I will be sourcing the following:

My Repo:

angelinepeng commented 4 years ago

For my soundscape narrative, I would like to represent the circle of life -- the narrative will end with the same sound that it began with. I would like to record it so that it is in first-person point-of-view, so the listener kind of ages along as the soundscape progresses. Each foreground sound will provide listeners with insight on their age.

I will be attempting to record the following sounds:

I will be sourcing these sounds:


emmawooten12 commented 4 years ago

For my soundscape narrative, I will be attempting to represent the day of Pitt Dance Marathon through various sound clips. I want to record the 12-hour marathon using highlights of the day, such as the kick-off, "halfway hype," and the big number reveal at the end. It will be from a single point of view, and I will be using foreground/background in this piece as means for creating emphasis.

Self-sourced sound files: Kick-off ceremony Patient story Morale dance Panther story Hair cutting ceremony Rave hour Big number reveal

Sourced sound files: Clips from the DJ from rave hour Inspiring music (serving as a suspense buildup)


katmiller10 commented 4 years ago

For my soundscape narrative I will be attempting to create the narrative of a night out on the weekend. I was thinking of starting off my story with really clean sounds that go well and are cohesive, but as the night goes on and the number of drinks consumed goes up, the music and sounds will become disjunct and chaotic.

Self-sourced sound files: -straighter clamping -Siri voice texting -Audio of me talking to friends -Audio of friends talking to me -shot glasses clinking -Uber car door slamming -loud footsteps/jumping/dancing -Bouncer saying "ID please" -tapping of credit card on the table

Sourced sound files: -loud DJ music -text tone -car beeping -crowd of people


Tomasco16 commented 4 years ago

For my Soundscape I am telling to story of a man exploring a cave. The audio will enter at the mouth of the cave as a solo descent begins. The man will trek through the cave (obstacles such as vines included) until he encounters a sleeping bear. Then the chase begin. The man turns to run for his life as the bear chases him out of the cave, through the forest and back to his car where the scene cuts. Most of my ideas have come from I have gathered noises such as:

kss73 commented 4 years ago

For my Soundscape narrative I will be attempting to create a narrative about cleaning my whole apartment to host a party where the first half will be strictly of sounds that occur while cleaning and the second half will be louder noises of people gathering, music playing, people eating/drinking. All of this occurring in the same apartment.

Self-Sourced Sound files: cleaning sounds

Sourced Sound files: Background noise of crowd of people Doorbell


Dilan1020 commented 4 years ago

For my Soundscape I plan on exploring the audible effect of cell phones and social media have on our everyday relationships. I would use these sounds to exemplify how often we are hearing these sounds on a daily basis and how they can disrupt connections and conversations with the people around you. The soundscape will feature a scattered conversation between two people along with many recognizable sounds and tones.

Self-Sourced Sounds:

Sources Sounds:


jerols4 commented 4 years ago

For my soundscape project, I want to try to put the listener into the setting of the wild west. This of course will fit all the tropes that western movies fulfill, but restricted to the plane of audio. I feel some of the most important sounds won't be what is going on in the foreground, but what is going on in the background. Desert/small town ambiance with a hint of countryside music will be perfect in achieving this, and then the narrative can be crafted by what goes on in the foreground. This will probably be the usual vigilante vs. cowboy duel western movies are known for.

The sounds I will be sourcing:

The sounds I will be outsourcing:

Link to my repo:

ktdemay commented 4 years ago

I will be making my soundscape a play from a hockey game. Hockey has some very interesting sounds so I feel it will be cool to strip away the visual and have the listener piece together what's happening just based on audio. It'll start with the puck being dropped and then incorporate talking among the players and eventually end up with a goal being scored.

Sourced Sounds

Outsourced Sounds


JakeBaumbaugh commented 4 years ago

For my soundscape, my plan is to create a scene on a space station. The scene may contain a spacewalk, where there is a neat moment of no sound, creating an effect of "deafening silence," if that makes sense. I would like to have two astronauts talk to one another, possibly about preparing for the spacewalk itself.

Self-sourced sounds:

Outsourced sounds:

Link to my repo

mjb-123 commented 4 years ago

The idea I have for my soundscape narrative will be to find and record noise that sound like you are at practice with me. I want people to be able to close their eyes and think that they are there with me on the floor.

Self-sourced sounds: -Background chatter -Mats moving -People cheering -Coaches talking

Outsourced sound: -Music/radio -Things falling/crashing -Heavy breathing -Velcro getting unstuck

onewport23 commented 4 years ago

For my soundscape, I plan to create a narrative of two people hiking through the woods. The story begins with two hikers (and maybe their dog) ascending a trail, and ends with them finally reaching their destination (an aerial view). I hope to capture the joy of being outside, and the satisfaction of achieving the payoff of a long hike.

Assets needed:

In terms of sourcing, I still need to determine what all I can source online, and what I will need to create myself. With that being said, I put in parentheses which assets that I believe I will be making myself.


sydneymasterson commented 4 years ago

For my soundscape, I will try to transport the listener into a middle school cafeteria. I plan to focus on one table where several girls are sitting and include sounds from the surrounding tables, the lunch line, hallways, etc.. I hope to include some humor while bringing people back to the early days of middle school.

Self-sourced sounds: -background conversation -foreground conversation -moving of chairs -rustling silverware

Sourced sounds: -register -things being dropped -school bell -phone noises -zipping noise (from backpacks/lunchboxes

sydneymasterson commented 4 years ago


MDLudwig commented 4 years ago

For my soundscape, I want to tell a story about how two roommates react to an emergency broadcast alert about impending nuclear war. The story will start with what seems like a normal night of cooking and watching TV, until an emergency broadcast interrupts everything. From that point, I plan to have sounds of police sirens, alarms, etc. to start to be heard outside in the background while the two roommates decide what they're going to do.

Self Sourced Sounds: -dialogue between the roommates -doors opening and closing -walking around the room -cooking -cars passing by -whatever frantic noises of preparation I decide to include -walking up and down stairs

Outsourced Sounds: -emergency broadcast -TV static -police sirens


anngx commented 4 years ago

For my soundscape narrative, I want to represent a club environment and tell the story of misunderstandings fueling an altercation between two people.

Self-sourced sounds:

Outsourced sounds:

My Repo:

hannahlangmead commented 4 years ago

Hi I'm changing my idea so here's an updated post. I am going to New York with my family this weekend so I will be recording my day. I'll start with packing for my trip and traveling home and then into the city. I'll include restaurant noises, going into a Broadway theater and other stuff.

Self-sourced: -Packing (zipping bag) -Talking with my family -Traffic in the city -Restaurant noises (ordering, silverware) -Theater chatter and ticket beep

Sourced: -Background music -Bus noises -Applause?

My repo:

Bmb154 commented 4 years ago

Soundscape Narrative Setting: Game Night With The Boys

Brief Overview The setting is focused on a LAN party comprised of a small group of friends on a weekend Gaming session. I have permission from all of the "members" to record their audio for this project, and will be using a variety of separately recorded noises composed together to create a convincing environment of a few nerds hanging out.

Sounds to Be Self Sourced: -Keyboard/Controller Clacking -Chat/Banter of Taylor/Thomas/Zach -Dogs Barking/Doorbell ringing -Rolling Chair being Pushed back -Exiting Footsteps -Door Opening -Distant Conversation with Pizza Guy -Dropping of Change -Approaching footsteps -Group Cheer -Soda Opening -Chips being opened -Happy Pizza Noises Sounds to be Externally Sourced -Background music being played -Whatever I cant Self Source -Twitch notifications/Donation sound


Rvonderhey commented 4 years ago

For my soundscape narrative, I want to represent a weekend evening night out with friends in Oakland. I will start with the sounds of getting ready. From there, the group will walk to the host’s house where a majority of the time will be spent. The main focus will be on how the sounds and music slowly change over the course of the night from the perspective of the attendees. The night will conclude with a walk to get pizza.

Sounds I can Create -Dialogue -Shower -Sink -Blow dryer -Door open/close

Sourced Sounds -Party music -Crowd -Street sounds -Door chime -Social Media sounds


mjb-123 commented 4 years ago

I want to create a soundscape narrative that goes through what a typical weekend sounds like for me during my competition season. We travel a lot, cheer for each other, sleep on top of competing of course. With that being said some sounds I want to add are

My sounds -Dialouge -Car starting -Bus

Sourced Sounds -Alarm clock -Sheets ruffling -Brushing teeth -Ceiling fan
