benmiller314 / cdm2020spring

website codebase for Ben Miller's course in Composing Digital Media
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Proposal: Visual Argument / Rhetorical Collage #7

Open benmiller314 opened 4 years ago

benmiller314 commented 4 years ago

Write a brief proposal for your visual rhetoric project. What idea or argument will you try to represent? What claim will you try to make – or, at least, what is the triggering idea (starting point) of that claim?

See the full range of thought-questions in the assignment prompt for brainstorming strategies.

NB: I am asking you to include a prospective assets list, i.e. a table of the images you think you'll need and where you might be able to source them. You can choose to include that assets list here or place it as a file in your repository, to more easily track changes.

Either way, please include a link here to your visual-argument repository, making it easier to find when we get to group work.

lumiio commented 4 years ago

For my visual rhetoric project, I’ll be representing the big contrast between Instagram photos and reality using a banana. Mainly I want to be showing how ridiculous the fake reality created by the excessive amount of editing is. I’ll be doing this by taking a really ugly/plain photo of a banana and editing it until it looks scrumptious. And then I might also draw in sexy legs and a face on the edited banana and less sexy looking features on the ugly one for additional comedic effect.


Will probably take the picture of the banana myself.


haileytrampel commented 4 years ago

For my project, I think I want to do something involving memorializing the stories my dad tells me about his childhood. He grew up in the Bronx and had a lot of struggles, but always tells me and my siblings stories about how wild his life was back then. I want to put in aspects of his life that give a sense of memory, but only are truly understood by my family and those my dad has told his stories to.

Potential assets:

My Repo:

emmawooten12 commented 4 years ago

For my project, I think I want to call attention to an organization on campus that many people do not know exists - Pitt Tonight. It is a late-night talk show that hosts an episode once a month. The episodes are modeled after most late night talk shows currently running, such as Fallon or Kimmel. I want to give a little insight into how funny these episodes are to hopefully attract more audience members for our next episode in March, which is our Women's Empowerment episode. This also shows a little of what this student organization stands for (equal rights), which is an argument in itself.

Potential assets:

My repo:

jerols4 commented 4 years ago

For my visual rhetoric, I wanted to create an image that convinces people who 'just don't do politics' to reconsider their view. It is my view that not taking part in politics is in itself a political act. If the person is not partaking because they are well off enough that it doesn't affect them, then that means they are actively allowing society to hurt those that aren't as well off as they are. To achieve this, I think I am going to draw a contrast between the life of a person 'unaffected' by politics, and a person whose life is.

My repo:
Assets inside

mjb-123 commented 4 years ago

For this project, I really want to do something fun by playing around with the sizing of objects. Big things edited to look really small and small things that look giant. I want to create a new perspective from these objects and explore this visual in a way we have never pictured things before.

Potential list of assets...

-apple -iphone -lamp -TV

My repo:

Dilan1020 commented 4 years ago

For my visual rhetoric, I will attempt to create an graphic that comments on the social media use and addiction that influences almost all young people in America today. The goal of my image will be 'look up', an argument for focusing more on in-person interactions and conversations rather than the screen in our pockets.

Potential Assets:


MDLudwig commented 4 years ago

For this project, I want to make the argument that people should be cautious of how much they let online media control their opinions and encourage people to think for themselves. To do this, I want to have a phone controlling a person like a puppet master, with the person being unaware of it.



JakeBaumbaugh commented 4 years ago

For my visual argument, I want to channel the MCU nerd in me and argue that Avengers: Endgame should have had a better result at the 2020 Oscars. To achieve this, I want to make a collage of the various Avengers characters that form the statue of an Academy Award in the negative space.


EDIT - I failed to include a link to my repo.

sydneymasterson commented 4 years ago

For my project, I would like to bring attention to the pink tax. I think I could do this by showing similar products marketed to men and women, and the varying prices based on the marketed gender.

Some assets I might need:

Tomasco16 commented 4 years ago

For my project I want to do something motivational, and about hard work. Something along the lines of growth never comes from wishing on the stars. The connection made is that it takes hard work and dedication to reach the goals you set for yourself. You can wish on the stars all you want but if yuu do not work for what you desire it is not going to be handed to you. Assets I may need

angelinepeng commented 4 years ago

For my project, I want to do something that highlights my Asian American identity. Specifically, I wanted to talk about the model minority myth and bring a call to action to #remodelminority which is a hashtag going around the community right now.

Assets I may need:

hannahlangmead commented 4 years ago

For my visual argument I want to encourage people to be conscious of the environment by bringing their own bags to the grocery store. I notice people using paper bags at Forbes Market all the time, and people always get plastic bags at Rite Aid. I want to show how simple it is to bring your own bag to the store and how it can have an effect on the earth if everyone makes a small change.

Possible Assets: -Plastic bag -Paper bag -Reusable bag -Earth -Silhouettes of people


ktdemay commented 4 years ago

I don't have a solid idea yet for this project so my proposal is not set and is likely to change. What I might do for this project is an argument that Philly is the next city set to win multiple championships in the next decade. Like I said, I'm not 100% in on this idea and if something comes to me this will change to something else.



onewport23 commented 4 years ago

For my visual argument I would like to use a collage of images and copy to inform my audience of the requirements for recycling drink-ware. Piggybacking off of the popular 1988 hit "It Takes Two" by Rob Base & D.J. E-Z Rock, I want to emphasize the fact that plastics cups need to be (1) clean and (2) dry in order to be properly recycled. Thus, "it takes two to make a thing go right." My overarching goal is to generally make people more thoughtful about their consuming and disposing habits. Although these extra steps (cleaning and drying) could discourage people to not recycle at all, I am hoping that maybe the fun reference to "It Takes Two" might stick in people's heads and consequently encourage better recycling.



Rvonderhey commented 4 years ago

For my visual argument, I would like to create an advertisement for paint. Generally, paint advertisements are pretty creative and colorful. Paint isles in stores are usually full of visual arguments convincing you to purchase products. To represent this, I would like to have a paint bucket spilling out over a logo/3D text of a made-up brand.

Assets: -Metal paint can -Flowing paint -Paint drip -Logo/ text


Bmb154 commented 4 years ago

I was thinking of making a composition focused on the idea of "nothing"

For context, the word "nothing" appears in so many different sayings/comparisons and I wanted to see if I could represent it via visual art. "Nothing" seems to be/do alot of things, and If I can make it more akin to a physical thing, then maybe I can change the meaning of a phrase.

Admittedly the project is abstract, and may be easier to accomplish in other ways, but I wanted to try.

Potential assets

granite block billboard yellow lightbulbs black hole (internet rendition) chisel


kss73 commented 4 years ago

My idea is not definite but as of now for my project I wanted to encourage others to know more than one language. I believe bilingualism is so important and helps people understand more than just one language but also another culture. I want to create something that shows that its never too late to learn a new language and everyone should know more than English. Knowing another language is beneficial in traveling, increases cultural awareness and communication. Im not 100% sure how I plan to go about this but I wanted to add a lot of text of different languages as well as different landmarks from around the world.

Assets Different words in different languages Known landmarks around the world different people interacting

anngx commented 4 years ago

For my project, I want to draw attention to the current state of the environment. I will be trying to represent the argument that the earth is dying and that humans are to blame. I will be making the claim that global warming is happening and that we have a relatively short amount of time to try and do anything about it.

Assets: Picture of earth Picture of fire

katmiller10 commented 4 years ago

The Oscars were this past weekend, and I was thinking about doing something surrounding the lack of female recognition at the Oscars. I don't have a definitive idea of what my project will look like yet, but I was thinking about maybe listing the names of several female directors in a way that showcases how important they are to film.

Assets: Names of female movie makers The golden Oscar award movie posters spotlights

Bmb154 commented 4 years ago

I was thinking of making a composition focused on the idea of "nothing"

For context, the word "nothing" appears in so many different sayings/comparisons and I wanted to see if I could represent it via visual art. "Nothing" seems to be/do alot of things, and If I can make it more akin to a physical thing, then maybe I can change the meaning of a phrase.

Admittedly the project is abstract, and may be easier to accomplish in other ways, but I wanted to try.

Potential assets

granite block billboard yellow lightbulbs black hole (internet rendition) chisel
