benmiller314 / cdm2022spring

source files for [Ben Miller's course in Composing Digital Media]( at Pitt
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Proposal: Website Portfolio #11

Open benmiller314 opened 2 years ago

benmiller314 commented 2 years ago

Write a brief proposal for your multi-page website project. What materials or ideas will you include? Where will viewers of the site begin ("land"), and by what paths will they find their way to other areas of the site? How might you guide their attention to and through the materials, based on what you want to emphasize and on what they'll be looking for?

See the full range of thought-questions in the assignment prompt for brainstorming strategies.

As explained in class, your proposal should include the following:

kaitlynmchugh commented 2 years ago


For my web project, I'd like to create a portfolio of the variety of projects I've worked on throughout my college career, whether they are strictly for school or as a hobby/just for fun. This will combine all of my research/chemistry related interests with my interest in the arts, such as painting, filmmaking, and digital media, including the projects we've created in this class. I am planning on a few different pages currently: a Home page to welcome viewers to the site, an About page to give the viewers more information about me, and a Research page to showcase all the posters, presentations, publications, and talks I've been a part of. I'm debating including one big "Art" page to include painting, filmmaking, and digital media, or to separate that into "Filmmaking," which would only contain short films, and "Art," which would contain the digital art and painting I've done. I think the sketch I'm leaning toward the most is the bottom left, which also shows what the separate pages woould look like, with research as an example.


Assets List Asset Solution
Home page landscape/background image use my own images
image of myself for the about or home page take my own images
Possible icons to click on CC

19jinjinwu commented 2 years ago

mknuth5 commented 2 years ago

glittaua commented 2 years ago

ellagrant commented 2 years ago

My idea as of now for the website design is to create a website for Cherry Bomb, a literary arts magazine at Pitt created in the fall. We have already purchased a domain, so this will not function as our club’s official website, but we can probably incorporate details in the future when we design our site. Ideally, there will be a main page with links to an about us section, a calendar of events, a page to contact us, poetry/prose, visual art, and maybe music. We have already received poetry, prose, and visual art submissions and have decided what will go in the magazine, so I have an abundance of material to work with. As for music, the club does not accept music (as it is primarily designed to be a printed magazine), but I think for my website it would be a cool addition. I have a few songs I’ve written that I can upload and I know friends who make music, but audio is something I plan to save until the end if I have time. Each submission page will include all submissions in list format, with links to the individual piece when the user clicks on the title.

My goal is for my web design to maintain the aesthetics of the magazine. I plan to use lots of reds and pinks, as those are the colors we use the most, the colors of our logo, and of course, the color of cherries. We also include lots of flower and nature imagery, so I plan to include that (as shown in my drawing). However, I want to make sure that I’m creating original designs and not trying to replicate something that already exists. I think I will be able to achieve this successfully though because we have not yet created the website or the magazine, so there aren’t any many designs that I could look to, only ideas we have discussed in the club. My main goal for my website is that it is fun, visually interesting, and aesthetically interesting while still being simple in layout and user-friendly.

Screen Shot 2022-03-02 at 11 13 54 AM Screen Shot 2022-03-02 at 11 12 23 AM
Asset Solution
Cherry Bomb logo Self-generated(?)
Poetry samples Already have a wide selection, plan to choose a few, get consent from authors, and cite them
Art samples Same as above
Possible music samples Same as above
Flower/vine imagery Source from CC

Mapatterson379 commented 2 years ago

For my website proposal I want to create a website that will house the end products of a fashion show that my student organization, the Pan-Caribbean Alliance (PCA), is planning and hosting in April 2022. It is an annual fashion show that we do to showcase Caribbean culture to the student body in a fun and inspiring way. This is the first time we are hosting the show since the COVID-19 pandemic began. We have been planning for this event since November 2021 and are really excited to see our ideas come to life. While I hope this website will show the best of our show, I also want to include the artists that we are showcasing, the historical relevance of our theme "Tidal Wave", and the process of putting the show together. In Class Notes-11 2

Assets Solution
Photos of the show my own images
videos of the models my own videos

jennakupferschmid commented 2 years ago

For my web project I want to make a web page that reflects the work I have done throughout my college career. This would include the work we have done in this class (more specifically my audio narrative and visual argument), graphics I have produced on Canva, and my writing. I would also include links to the organizations I am a part of on campus including Pathfinders, Alpha Epsilon Phi, and Phi Eta Sigma (a national honors fraternity). I would like the homepage to include a picture and "about me" section so that people visiting my site can learn more about who I am before viewing my work and activities. Page Sections: I would have a homepage that included my "about me" and then links to my other pages. Therefore, my other pages would be my CDM work, Canva work, my writing, Pathfinders, and greek life (which would include both my social sorority and academic fraternity). Assets List:

Asset Solution
Visual image from CDM course My image
Audio narrative from CDM course My own link and screenshot
Canva graphics My graphics
Writing pieces Images of my writing
Clickable icons CC

Sketch: IMG_3643


KatelynKunzmann commented 2 years ago

evankozierok commented 2 years ago


For my website project, I plan to make a personal/professional website to display to employers, colleagues, etc. displaying and discussing the various work I have done, both traditional CS work and other projects (like any... audio or visual projects cough cough cough). I plan to start on a home page with some sort of flashy logo (I have a way I like to stylize my name sometimes because the geometric shape of the letters EVAN is rather harmonious) and probably some sort of general info about me, with links to other pages with various projects, interests, etc. I'd like these to be distinct pages to give things a bit of separation. (I dislike websites where the links are just scrolling sections, my reasoning being that I like to click on all the links on a page to make sure I don't miss anything and then I end up clicking on to parts of a page I've already seen. Is this a rational complaint? Who's to say.) I might make an exception for the front page where the first thing you see is just the flashy logo and then you scroll down for a bit more info. (Depends how good the flashy logo is, perhaps.)

In terms of layout, I'm not 100% sure yet - I think a traditional top menu is always a good option, but I may play around with different locations, especially on the nice flashy landing page, where more space can be dedicated to navigation because there isn't necessarily as much content. In terms of sections I'd like, I'll obviously have the landing page, pages for an "interactive resume" - what I mean here is things on my resume but ideally with pictures, media, or depending on the situation, something more interactive (maybe for a game, a gif of gameplay or even the ability to play directly! We'll see) - as well as pages for other work I've done (like projects for this class) and maybe extended personal hobbies/interests (example: session logs for my D&D campaign to read for fun).

Notably, I want this website to be a living document that I can continually update with cool things I do and serve as an online presence that represents my personality and interests. Below is a VERY rough sketch of what this landing page could look like.


Asset Source
Flashy Logo Make (animate, ideally) myself
Headshot Own picture
Images of work Own pictures*
Icons, backgrounds (maybe) CC/open source

*For work without a visual component, I may try to source via CC or similar some image to represent the project

andres-trujillo7 commented 2 years ago

Repository: Proposal + concept sketch:

jsw64 commented 2 years ago

For my website proposal I’d like to create an online store that sells computer parts and other technologies. This store sell items such as monitors, graphics cards, CPUs, headphones, mice, keyboards, and more. I plan to make this website look similar to other online stores, and implement features such as Home button, drop-down menu, Product categories, Sort products by best discount, etc. I would also like to have sections for Best sellers and New Arrivals. IMG_4145

aej37 commented 2 years ago

For my Website Proposal I want to make a website about astrology. This website is called "Star Power" and on it people will be able to read their daily horoscopes, learn more about different signs on their birth chart, and find more out about their compatibility with other signs. On the main page, there will be icons with the zodiac signs and once the user clicks on one they will be taken to their daily horoscope. On the horoscope page itself, it will include a daily, love and work reading. Then in the corner there will be the user's tarot card for the day and underneath it will be an explanation of the card and how it will impact the user's day. Then, on the side of the home page there will be a column where they can click on links that will take them to pages to learn more about sun signs, moon signs, and rising signs if they are new to astrology. Finally, in the middle there will be love and friendship compatibility boxes where if they click on them it will take them to a page where they can see their love or friendship compatibility with other signs. My original idea for now is to have the user type in their sign and a list of their compatible signs will pop up. However, an aspiration of mine is to go deeper and have them type in their sign and their partner's sign and it will give them a full explanation on why they are compatible.


Asset | Source -- | -- Website Brand | Me Background | CC Zodiac Icons | CC Tarot Card Images | CC Information about signs | CC Horoscope Information | CC Tarot Information | CC Sun, Moon, and Rising Sign Images | CC
isabellebautista commented 2 years ago

For my project, I am thinking about doing a clothing website, one that is vintage and hand picked to put on the website. I am hoping to influence the consumer or customer to buy one of the products on my website. I don't know what exactly I would call the shop yet. I am thinking on the main page, there will be the title of the shop either in the left hand corner or in the middle of the page. In addition the tabs at the top could feature the categories like Tops, Bottoms, Accessories, etc. In addition to this on the left hand side I am thinking of having some type of New Arrivals of features, so that customers can see the newest additions to the collection on the left hand side. As mentioned before, the number of pages would depend on the categories of clothing I have in the top right section of the screen. I am thinking also to have photos of people modeling the clothes or maybe including a blog to help make it more interactive.

Asset Solution
Clothing Me or CC for time being
Background CC
Logo Me


paullewis2013 commented 2 years ago

For my website I'd like to overhaul my existing portfolio site I use to showcase programming and design side projects. I'll be working in a new branch so at the end of the project I can show a before and after to showcase my changes.

See the new Branch here

I want to restructure how I have my files set up and thoroughly comment existing code for maintainability. I also want to add in a skills section to highlight some of the tools I'm proficient with as I search for jobs post graduation. The biggest change I want to make is creating a landing page between projects and their deployments. Many of my early projects were static websites I could directly link to but as I branch out into more areas I feel it makes sense to be able to handle other types of projects such as mobile or electron apps.

I want the project to look similar to my current implementation (shown below) but with some of the rougher edges cleaned up

Screen Shot 2022-03-03 at 12 11 54 PM

The assets I intend to use are either thumbnails generated from my own projects, art I made myself, or logos for github and linkedIn to link to my external accounts

amo104 commented 2 years ago

I want to create a portfolio skewing more into the artful than the resourceful, creating more of a portfolio of myself than my work (despite how absolutely pretentious that sounds). My inspiration draws incredibly heavily from my body: a Wunderkammer except I want to take parts of this concept and restructure them to be formatted like a typical website. The central function is to examine the idea of "coming of age" within my life's context. As such I'll be utilizing creative works and pieces of media I've made throughout my life and hopefully juxtapose them in a way that creates a dialogue.

website ideas

The website itself will have five pages: a landing page, an about page, a portrait portfolio page, a QoTD page, and a last page I'm not set on yet. The landing page will have the title of the project (currently unnamed), my name, a brief description of the website, and larger icons to navigate to the actual content of the website. The about page will have a lengthier description about the website and why I made it, as well as chow my contacts at the bottom. The Question of the Day page will allow viewers to click on a month in the side panel and show one question of the day that I answered that month. For context, since 2015 I've had a book that asks a question a day, and on most days for the past 7 years I've answered the question for the day. For accessibility, there will be a toggle somewhere on the website to switch between an original scan of the page and a typed-out version. The portraits page will have a timeline (thinking about moving it to the top instead of bottom of the page) that when clicked, will show a self-portrait I made around that time, a real picture of me from around that time, and a brief bit of prose about what my life was like around then.

A big problem arising with this concept is trying to abstract this work for a larger audience; if you don't know me, why do you care? How will this website be useful to other people? I suppose you could ask that question when anyone uses any medium to make something as an expression, but in this context it feels much more pressing because of our understanding of what websites are/what websites are for.

Assets Solution
Self-Portraits Self-Generated
Pictures of Myself Self-Generated
QotDs Self-Generated (and also cite the original book)
Logo Self-Generated
Icons Self-Generated or CC

elisewebb6 commented 2 years ago