benmiller314 / cdm2022spring

source files for [Ben Miller's course in Composing Digital Media]( at Pitt
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Audio Narrative proposal (HW after lesson 4) #4

Open benmiller314 opened 2 years ago

benmiller314 commented 2 years ago

Write a brief proposal for your audio narrative project. What place or environment will you try to represent? What story will you try to tell – or, at least, what is the premise (starting point) of that story?

See the full range of thought-questions in the assignment prompt for brainstorming strategies, and the Parachute Prompts at the bottom of that page if you're stuck.

NB: I am asking you to include a prospective assets list, i.e. a table of the sounds you think you'll need and where you might be able to source them. You can choose to include that assets list here or to place it as a file in your repository (either directly in or in a separate, which would help you more easily update and track changes as you fill in the real sources.

Either way, please include a link here to your repository, making it easier to find when we get to group work.

kaitlynmchugh commented 2 years ago

My audio narrative will be set in a lively amusement park in October, nearing Halloween. The story revolves around a group of friends looking for the best scares in the park, which will be full of various actors (creepy clowns with the accompanying horn/squeaky nose, chilling dolls who, of course, want to play with you, and the classic chainsaw-wielding maniac), as well as different themed walkthroughs/houses (an abandoned asylum, Dracula’s castle, a deadly funhouse, etc.). As the friends decide to entire one of these seemingly deserted houses, hidden away at the back of the park, they are not prepared for what they face inside… (I haven’t decided whether I will take a more strictly horror approach for the end of the story, or whether I will keep it wholesome while teasing some of those horror themes.)

Needs Solution
Dialogue for main characters/actors Me, my roommates
Music to establish carnival/theme park setting Source from CC
Footsteps to establish/emphasize movement of characters Record or source from CC
Sound of a chainsaw Source from CC
Squeak/horn sound Record or source from CC
Music to establish suspense setting in house/walkthrough Source from CC
Popcorn popping Record
Sound of playing/winning carnival game Source from CC

andres-trujillo7 commented 2 years ago

For my audio narrative, I'm in between "a day in the life" or a potential story I came up with while lying in bed. I plan on this story taking place at a park. What I've come up with so far is a young college student going on a peaceful nature walk at the park in the winter. However, to make things "spicy", as they are walking, they hear a nearby branch crack and look back and see a humanoid shadow and so they begin to pick up the pace. I've yet to decide where I want to go from there with that story, but I want to leave it open-ended for now because there are many possibilities.

Below is my assets for the park story (which I'm definitely leaning towards as of now):

Sounds How I will get them
Feet walking on trail/snow Record the sound of my shoes hitting the ground as I walk.
Branch Breaking Source from CC
Park ambience (including people playing sports, birds chirping etc. Simply going to the park and pressing record! Or potentially CC depending on which I think fits better
Heavy breathing from running Source from CC

jennakupferschmid commented 2 years ago

For my audio narrative I want my story to focus on the idea of a typical “day in life” for a college student. The story will be set on the first floor of Hillman library and will focus on the lives of a group of college students who are avoiding doing their work and instead are talking on the first floor. I plan to set the environment of the story in Hillman by adding sounds such as keyboard typing, the sound that the machine makes when one swipes their panther card to gain access, backpacks zipping, books opening, and the background chatter filled with student conversations about work. After the students in my story sit down and open up their computers, the background chatter noise will be reduced and they will start talking to avoid their work. In order to create a climax to the plot I plan on one of the students realizing they forgot to do an assignment therefore causing intense background music to commence and a frantic clicking on the keyboard.

Sounds Solution
Keyboard typing Source from CC
Card access Go to Hillman and record
Backpacks zipping Either source from CC or record myself depending on which is easier
Books opening Record the slamming of a book myself so the quality and sound is loud enough
Background chatter Record random noise in Hillman
Main character conversations Friends and I record separately

glittaua commented 2 years ago

For my audio narrative, I want to take people to a different world. The genre will most likely be sci-fi or fantasy. The story will be set on a planet that is under attack. Using different sound effects I will create the different environments of being on a ship or in the midst of a battle. Sounds to create environments will include battlefield ambiance, running on metal, multiple layers of chatter, and typical sounds you would hear on a spaceship. For the battle environment, I will use battlefield ambiance, gunfire, explosions, etc. I plan for there to be at least 4 unique characters that will be voiced by me and my roommates. The story will take start on the ship and then go down to the surface of the planet where you will be immersed in the mission as the elite soldiers fight to complete it. It will be fast-paced and I also may add background music to make it a little more dramatic.

Sounds Solution
Voicelines for characters Me and my roommates
Background music Source from Youtube/CC
Battlefield Ambiance Source from Youtube/CC
Running on metal/grate Source from Youtube/CC
Sounds of Spaceships Source from Youtube/CC
Overlayed chatter Record
AI voice Source from
Various gun sounds Source from Youtube/CC
Alarm Record or source

aej37 commented 2 years ago

For my audio narrative I would like to do a "Night at the Orchestra". The listener will believe that they are a viewer about to see an orchestra perform at a concert hall. In the beginning, I will have the sound of someone opening a door and entering a room to wait in line. There will be people chatting and then someone saying, "Ticket Please". Then the sound of another door will open and there will be feet shuffling, people chatting, and musicians warming up their instruments. Then to indicate that the show is about to begin, people will applaud which means that the conductor has come out on stage and then the clapping will slowly fade out. But then the conductor will pass out and I'll add a thud sound and people gasping. This is what I have so far, but I plan to figure out more as I develop this project.

Sounds | Solution -- | -- Door opening from outside | Record at my house Background noise as people wait in line | Record in Hillman / in one of my larger lectures or source from CC Someone saying "Ticket Please" | Record myself Door opening from inside | Record in Hillman or in larger lecture Instruments being tuned | Source from CC Applause | Source from CC Thud noise | Source from CC or record myself People gasping | Source from CC

19jinjinwu commented 2 years ago

For my audio narrative, I am interviewing my boyfriend, who frequently sails. The narrative will start with him recalling his trip in California when he was sailing from Santa Barbara to San Francisco and an unmarked fishing vessel pulled up to them. Then it will transition us into the scene where he goes to sleep next to the diesel engine but is woken up by his first mate that there might be pirates attacking the ship. Since the story is pretty mundane sound-wise, I will spice it up with turbulent weather.

Sounds Solution
Diesel YouTube/CC
Footsteps on Wood Self Record
Wind whistling YouTube/CC
Ocean waves hitting boat YouTube/CC
Radio noise Self-Record
Air horn YouTube/CC
Radio man Self Record
Lightning YouTube/CC
Missiles lauching YouTube/CC
Muffled voice of first mate Self Record
Rain Self Record or YouTube/CC
Engine accelerating YouTube/CC
Narration Self record
kfm24 commented 2 years ago

Write a brief proposal for your audio narrative project. What place or environment will you try to represent? What story will you try to tell – or, at least, what is the premise (starting point) of that story?

See the full range of thought-questions in the assignment prompt for brainstorming strategies, and the Parachute Prompts at the bottom of that page if you're stuck.

NB: I am asking you to include a prospective assets list, i.e. a table of the sounds you think you'll need and where you might be able to source them. You can choose to include that assets list here or to place it as a file in your repository (either directly in or in a separate, which would help you more easily update and track changes as you fill in the real sources.

Either way, please include a link here to your repository, making it easier to find when we get to group work.

For my audio narrative I would like to capture the energy and atmosphere that take place at a local college bar. The listener will have a better understanding of what it is like to be in a social setting alongside some locals, friend groups and a couple new faces thrown in here and there. The sounds of the bar are made up of the music, glass clinking (cheers), beer taps going back and forth, ice rattling, laughter, and small talk. I plan to go to the bar I have in mind with my friends and record the noises of the bar and set the scene through a combination of these audios. I was planning on giving the audience a sequence from waiting online to the jingles of the bells when the front door opens, followed by the noise of the scanner and continued into ordering drinking and conversations. I plan to develop the audio more after I capture the recordings.

Sounds Solution
Bell on the door jingle Self-recorded or Youtube
Beer tap, filling glass cup Self-recorded or Youtube
Shifting of bar stools Probably Youtube
Background chatter, background music Self-recorded
Small talk/friendly conversations Self-recorded

mknuth5 commented 2 years ago

For my audio narrative, I want to take the listener to a place I enjoy a lot: a golf course playing with friends. I’ll start the soundscape with sounds of the characters driving up to the first tee in a golf cart, walking to the first tee, and then go from there with the story. One idea I want to incorporate inspired from the kitchen soundscape is the use of directional sound. An example of this could be when the characters get to the first tee, the sound of their voices drifts to the left and dims in volume. This could be used by the listener to infer the characters have left the cart and are now walking away to hit their shots. Another storytelling sound mechanism I want to incorporate in my soundscape is the sound of different golf shots. Each golf shot sounds different and for different reasons. The sound could depend on which club is used, how well it was struck, or where the shot took place (fairway, rough, woods, sand, mud). An example that non-golfers could immediately pick up on was using the sound of a tree being struck and frustration from the character to illustrate to the listener that the player accidentally hit a tree.

Action Asset
Golf Cart Driving
Practice Swings
Golf shot
Background sounds
Talking recorded
Birds youtube

evankozierok commented 2 years ago

My soundscape project, The King of the Jungle, will bring listeners to an exotic jungle filled with unfamiliar flora, fauna, and most strikingly, dinosaurs. The soundscape will tell the terrifying tale of two explorers traveling through the jungle when they are caught unawares by the greatest threat of the jungle - Tyrannosaurus rex.

Originally inspired by my campaign of the Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition module Tomb of Annihilation, this soundscape cuts back on some of the more D&D-specific lore to produce a more accessible environment for the average listener. A good reference work would be Jurassic Park, although there will be no theme park in this setting - just a dangerous, exciting jungle filled with adventure and life. I hope to convey that sense of abundant life in the jungle combined with the drama of a giant dinosaur encounter to break through the noise.

Note that many of these assets I am unsure if I will record or not - this is at least in part based on Pittsburgh weather patterns. I.e. if I can go record plants rustling I'd like to, but given the snow, that may not be possible.

Asset Source
Rain, wind, thunder(?) sounds Source online (presumably recording these will be low quality)
Exotic bird, insect, mammal sounds Likely source online
Dialogue (TBD) Record myself and other people (TBD)
Human footsteps in mud Record if possible
Rustling/crunching of leaves, sticks, etc. Record if possible
T. rex footsteps Source online
T. rex roar Source online
T. rex eating a tasty explorer Source online? Not sure if this is even feasible, we'll see
Background music:
  • Light drums, harps maybe?
  • Heavy/dramatic drums
Source online

Repo link:

elisewebb6 commented 2 years ago

For my audio narrative I was planning to have my story involve Marvel's character Daredevil. With him being blind he has developed an incredible sense of hearing. To capture what it may be like to have this ability I was going to start with layering a bunch of different sounds one may hear in the city and eventually have the sounds drown out until only one sound can be heard which will be a women's cry for help. Then I was going to use a series of combat sounds to indicate a fight taking place between the hero and the "villain".

Asset Source
car honks record
trucks driving record
people walking source online
dogs barking record or source online
construction record
scream record
combat noises source online

KatelynKunzmann commented 2 years ago

My audio narrative will be a psychedelic trip. It will take the listener through a series of stages: pre-trip (normal sounds/experiences), come-up where sounds and experiences start to become distorted and otherwordly, peak where the trip has reached an altered state of consciousness, come-down where the trip de-intensifies, and finally back to normal with some sort of reflection at the end. Throughout the trip, the person will be abstractly describing various things they are experiencing. I haven't entirely decided the location of the trip, but Phipps Conservatory and the National Aviary are on my list. I want to encapsulate an experience that people typically are familiar with such as a trip to a museum or the Aviary and then I want to transform it into something completely different in which most people aren't familiar with.

Assets Sources
Nature Sounds Recorded and sourced online
Footsteps Recorded or sourced online
People conversing in the background Recorded or sourced online
Dialogue and Reflection Recorded
Birds singing Recorded or Sourced online
Accompanying music Sourced online

isabellebautista commented 2 years ago

For my audio narrative, First Date, I would like to take the listener on their first date. The setting of this date would most likely be at a restaurant, I am thinking an Italian restaurant with classical music in the background to set the romantic scene. I really want to focus on the conversation and the awkwardness that may exist between these two people. In addition, I would like to add other sounds like water/drink pouring, the slight clanking of silverware. I also might think about how I can turn this into a first date gone wrong, whether it be slight sounds of lack of manners or something else.

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Sounds | Solutions -- | -- Classical music | Youtube/CC Wine/water pouring | Self record or Youtube/CC Conversations | Self record Waiter | Self record Silverware noises | Self record
jsw64 commented 2 years ago

For my audio narrative I would like tell a short story of a fisherman walking down to a river and trying his luck at catching some fish. On his quest however, it seems like everything goes wrong - from the weather turning against him, to animals bothering him, and to other obstacles that try to prevent him from his goal of catching a fish. Will he prevail in the end?

Asset Source
Footsteps on gravel Record myself or CC
River water flowing CC
Birds chirping CC
Fisherman monologue Record myself
Weather effects CC
Fishing rod CC
Splash sounds CC
Cell phone CC
Animal sounds CC

paullewis2013 commented 2 years ago

For my audio narrative I would like to tell the story of my roommate's cat Luna attempting to get into my room and eat my plant. It will be called POV you are my roommate's cat Luna and you are trying to eat my plant. Luna will face incredible odds like me trying to move the plant away from her and even closing the door to my room. I want there to be sounds from the cat's point of view during the day while the rest of us have online class, possibly separating different portions of the audio narrative with the sounds of a cat running around the house.

Asset Source
Cat running Record myself or CC
Cat meows Record myself and CC
Door sounds CC
Plant crunching CC
Weather sounds CC
Shepards tone Synthesize myself

Mapatterson379 commented 2 years ago

For my audio narrative, Self Care 101, I would like to take the listener through a day focused on personalized self care. The setting for this will be my apartment, and partially outside. I want to recreate what I do on a day like that, but also how I would imagine it would be in my head if it was perfect. I want to add sounds that I hear in the morning, music that is habitual for my self care days, internal dialogue, and sounds that are regular to my everyday life.

Assets Source
Birds chirping Youtube
Shower/sink Recorded and YouTube
Sound bowls Youtube
Internal dialogue Record myself
Habitual music instrumental Youtube
Other natural sounds Record

ellagrant commented 2 years ago

For the soundscape narrative, I want to explore a dreamscape. I think it would be cool to craft a narrative that captures the eerie, off putting, and confusing essence of a dream. In written works, this concept is usually quite corny (ie ending the story with “and then I woke up!”), but I feel that the auditory medium offers more creative possibilities. My goal is to disorient the audience as much as possible so that they really have to work with the soundscape to get a sense of what’s going on. I’m not sure if I want to “reveal” what’s happening by including something like an alarm at the end, because that feels too easy, but I don’t want it to be too ambiguous. I’m unsure what exactly I want the narrative to be, but it will likely follow some bizarre sequence of events that would only occur in the subconscious world. I’m toying with the idea of using a first-person perspective of someone experiencing the dream so the audience has access to their thoughts and reflections as the events unfold. As for setting, besides taking place in a dream world, I would like to anchor the narrative in a city landscape at night. I think that typical sounds you hear in a city like cars beeping, music, shouting, etc. would add to my soundscape’s jarring effect. This would also afford me a wealth of audio that I can record myself given that I can visit downtown Pittsburgh and record there.

Assets Solutions
City Sounds (cars driving, beeping, crosswalks) Record and source from CC
Dialogue Record myself/friends
Sound of heartbeat Source from CC
Possible alarm Source from CC
Background music to create atmosphere Source from CC
Background conversations Record or source from CC
Walking/running on sidewalk Record

amo104 commented 2 years ago

My audio narrative intends to take the listener through the planning meeting of a heist. The narrative will set the scene of a secret meeting, and as the leader of the team begins to describe the plan, the soundscape will transition into the real-time actions of the heist. Each step of the plan will be narrated by the leader, and then followed by the accompanying sounds of it getting done. I'm not entirely sure what they plan to steal yet, but I think the main setting will be in a museum (not after hours). I would like the narration of the plan to desynchronize from what's actually happening near the end as something goes wrong. Whether it loops around to still being a successful heist depends on how much of this can feasibly fit in the soundscape and how well I can actually resolve the conflict.

Assets Source
Overarching narration Record
Sprawling papers, rolling out blueprints Record
Quietly walking Record/Source from CC
Background talking/shuffling Source from CC
Safe lock clicking Source from CC
Alarms Source from CC
Glass breaking Source from CC
Suspenseful music Source from CC

ellsimm commented 2 years ago

My audio narrative will follow the journey of a girl visiting an animal adoption agency "just to look around." I want to leave the listener with the feeling of the girl falling in love with a cat that just seems to be the one. I want to mimic the sounds of what it is like to be in a shelter including the barking, purring, and day-to-day rustling of operations. I hope to create a connection between the main character and the cat as they will have been through similar life circumstances and will connect on a deeper level.

Asset Source
Narrator Recorded
Mother of Girl Recorded
Shelter worker Recorded
Little girl Recorded
Sounds of shelter Recorded
Cheery music Source from CC
Cat meow Source from CC
Car noises on drive to shelter Source from CC