bennetthardwick / darknet.js

A NodeJS wrapper of pjreddie's darknet / yolo.
65 stars 27 forks source link

Error ./ installing npm #14

Closed Seikon closed 5 years ago

Seikon commented 5 years ago

Hello, On Windows 10 I´m getting this error on npm install:

./ The command "." is either misspelled or could not be found.

I think the problem is with the first "." in the comand. Does anyone know how to avoid or solve that?

thank you

bennetthardwick commented 5 years ago

Hi! Unfortunately you won't be able to install darknet.js on Windows like you would a normal npm package. I have successfully installed it on Windows using the Linux Sub-system. You can read more about installing it here.

LorisLombardo87 commented 5 years ago

Hi @bennetthardwick, i'm successfully running darknet on windows using this repo and now i want to access it from node using your code...

apart form making darknet what is the install-script doing? what can i do in my windows env. to run your code?

Thanks, Loris

bennetthardwick commented 5 years ago

Hey @LorisLombardo87, currently the install script pulls the darknet repo and builds it. Before building it edits the makefile so that users can enable GPU support, etc., depending on environment variables that have been exported.

In order to get it working on Windows, you'd need to update the install script / create a new one that will pull from AlexeyAB's fork and build it. Then update the binding.gyp file so that it points to the libdarknet file (probably a dll).

I've want to try and support Windows, so I created #25 to track the progress. I'll probably have some time this weekend to give it a go.

haviduck commented 4 years ago

the vcpkg approach should work.. ima see how it turns out.