bennojoy / openldap_server

ansible role openldap server
54 stars 79 forks source link

redhad ldaps not working properly #14

Open escube opened 8 years ago

escube commented 8 years ago

There is a task that copies ldap file when ldaps is enabled. copy: src=ldap dest=/etc/sysconfig/ldap mode=0755

ozbillwang commented 8 years ago

A temp fix in tasks/configure_ldap.yml

- name: copy the supporting files
  copy: src=ldap dest=/etc/sysconfig/ldap mode=0755
  copy: src=slapd_fedora dest=/etc/sysconfig/slapd mode=0755
  when: openldap_server_enable_ssl and ansible_os_family == 'RedHat'
   - restart slapd