bennor / AutoT4

A zero-configuration extension for Visual Studio 2012+ which automatically runs your T4 templates at build time.
MIT License
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How does this works? #1

Closed bzamfir closed 10 years ago

bzamfir commented 10 years ago


I installed this, and I have a EF edmx file in my solution with POCO generators. However, when I build my solution, my generators are not triggered, I have mo manually open EF model and save it for generators to generate the POCO classes

Do I miss anything on setting this up?


bennor commented 10 years ago

When you build from within Visual Studio, it scans through the projects being built for any files ending in ".tt" and runs them. There shouldn't be any setup required, but this tool won't have any effect if you're building from the command line (e.g. on a build server, etc).

I've never tested it with EF poco generators, so its possible they have some sort of caching on the model that might interfere. If you figure out the cause, feel free to submit a PR with the fix.