bennor / AutoT4MVC

A zero-configuration Visual Studio 2012+ extension for automatically running T4MVC templates on build and when files are modified in paths that T4MVC cares about.
MIT License
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Apply T4MVC XML Settings #13

Closed garysharp closed 10 years ago

garysharp commented 10 years ago

Uses T4MVC XML configuration settings to more intelligently decide when to run the T4MVC template. If no settings file is found, the default T4XML configuration is used.

garysharp commented 10 years ago

Seeks to partially address #5 Only the xml configuration file is passed. The T4-format configuration file could be passed by extending T4MVCSettings.

bennor commented 10 years ago

Thanks mate. It's great to get some help! :smile:

There's a fair bit to take in here and I'm a bit too busy for the next week or so to review it properly. I'll review it and get it merged as soon as I can after that. Maybe before if I get enough downtime.

garysharp commented 10 years ago

Sure thing.

Saw this (retweeted by @davidebbo) and thought it would work well in a project I work on (Chirpy/AutoTT not working well). The project uses custom static content folders so had to implement this change (didn't want to hack in the custom folder). Was only after I submitted PR that I saw #5.

I'm typically in the #signalr or #T4MVC rooms in (

bennor commented 10 years ago


Sorry for the flood of comments, but I finally got round to reviewing this. There are a few minor style things (I'm picky that way sorry), but on the whole I really like what you've done.

I'm happy to merge this in once you've looked at those few things I've mentioned. If you don't have time, I can probably make the changes myself this weekend.

Thanks again mate. :smile:

garysharp commented 10 years ago

Applied all your suggestions to the PR thus far and added a couple additional tweaks I'm surprised I overlooked originally.

Happy to take additional feedback. Hope this addition increases adoption of the project. :smile:

bennor commented 10 years ago

Awesome. Really good work.

Given the fairly limited scope of the project (an add-in for an extension to ASP.NET MVC), I'm pretty happy with the adoption so far, but yeah, anything that makes it better is only going to help.