bennor / AutoT4MVC

A zero-configuration Visual Studio 2012+ extension for automatically running T4MVC templates on build and when files are modified in paths that T4MVC cares about.
MIT License
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Monitor "styles" folder as well #4

Closed sammyfa closed 11 years ago

sammyfa commented 11 years ago

This tool monitors "Content", but I use "Styles" folder instead. I assume a very large number of other people do the same, as it's in line with general conventions.

Please add monitors for these: scripts styles js css images assets

There are configurable tools, but they're too "heavy".

bennor commented 11 years ago

Yeah, seems like a reasonable request. I'll get to it within the next few days.

sammyfa commented 11 years ago

Awesome. I hope it can be case independent, so we can use "assets" or "Assets"...

bennor commented 11 years ago

Hey, this is done now, and yeah... it's case-insensitive. If you check for updates in the VS extension manager, it should be available.

You will still need to have your custom folders configured in the "StaticFilesFolders" variable of for it to work (it will still regenerate each time you add or remove a file in "styles", but it won't do anything unless T4MVC is configured right). I'm assuming you know that.

I plan to change it up a bit at some point so it actually uses your T4MVC settings from to determine where to look, but that's a fairly big overhaul and I think this is enough in the meantime.

I totally get what you mean about configurable tools being too "heavy". I hate having to muck around with configuration -- things should just work.

sammyfa commented 11 years ago

T4MVC is now using "" for config, instead of the old "". Will the update work with it?

bennor commented 11 years ago

No. I noticed that after I published it. The only part that won't work is automatically running the T4MVC template when the settings file is saved. The folders you wanted added have all been added to the search list, and AutoT4MVC won't interfere with your T4MVC settings at all.

When I get around to reading the settings file I will use the new XML one.

bennor commented 11 years ago

The latest version (which should be available in the gallery now), v1.1.2, has a trigger on save of "".

sammyfa commented 11 years ago

Really awesome!

bennor commented 11 years ago
