bennylope / django-organizations

:couple: Multi-user accounts for Django projects
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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How do you get the User's organizations? #148

Closed specialorange closed 6 years ago

specialorange commented 6 years ago

For the app django-organizations, how do you get a User's organization? From the docs it says

>>> from organizations.utils import create_organization
>>> chris = User.objects.get(username="chris")
>>> soundgarden = create_organization(chris, "Soundgarden", org_user_defaults={'is_admin': True})
>>> soundgarden.is_member(chris)
>>> soundgarden.is_admin(chris)
>>> soundgarden.owner.organization_user
<OrganizationUser: Chris Cornell>
>>> soundgarden.owner.organization_user.user
>>> <User: chris>
>>> audioslave = create_organization(chris, "Audioslave")
>>> tom = User.objects.get(username="tom")
>>> audioslave.add_user(tom, is_admin=True)
<OrganizationUser: Tom Morello>

and in my code I can easily do :

def bandView(request, bandSlug):   
  loggedInUser = get_object_or_404(User, username=request.user.get_username())
  organization_requested = get_object_or_404(Organization, slug=bandSlug)
  if organization_requested.is_member(loggedInUser):
    #User is a member of the organization
    # Not in this band

but I am trying to work the other way now:

def artistView(request):   
  loggedInUser = get_object_or_404(User, username=request.user.get_username())
  #something like....
  loggedInUser.organizations #would print [<band1>,<band2>]
  #or add a function to the Organization[User] class


yvsssantosh commented 6 years ago

After searching this repo I found this

Is that what you were trying to do @specialorange ?

bennylope commented 6 years ago

@specialorange had answered his question on the SO question linked above, but in a nutshell the original problem was missing the queryset method on the reverse relation manager.

My added comment on SO:

That's exactly it. organizations_organization is the named reverse relationship through the OrganizationUser model (which is the linking or intermediate model) to the User model. That just returns the RelatedManager and then from that manager you can call different query methods (e.g. all, filter, etc).