benoitc / couchbeam

Apache CouchDB client in Erlang
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Cannot start couchbeam via "erl -s couchbeam". Freezes on supervisor start. #52

Closed DimitryDushkin closed 13 years ago

DimitryDushkin commented 13 years ago

I wrote some program (st_db) used couchbeam. The problem is couchbeam do not starts on node after supervisor call. Seems like it just hangs on command "-s couchbeam". The only way to start it – write manually "application:start(couchbeam)." and only after this I can start my app:

$erl -pa ../st_site_checker/ebin ../st_db/ebin ../st_db/deps/*/ebin -boot start_sasl  -s crypto -s couchbeam 
Erlang R14B03 (erts-5.8.4) [source] [smp:4:4] [rq:4] [async-threads:0] [hipe] [kernel-poll:false]

=PROGRESS REPORT==== 18-Jun-2011::00:22:12 ===
          supervisor: {local,sasl_safe_sup}
             started: [{pid,<0.34.0>},

=PROGRESS REPORT==== 18-Jun-2011::00:22:12 ===
          supervisor: {local,sasl_safe_sup}
             started: [{pid,<0.35.0>},

=PROGRESS REPORT==== 18-Jun-2011::00:22:12 ===
          supervisor: {local,sasl_sup}
             started: [{pid,<0.33.0>},

=PROGRESS REPORT==== 18-Jun-2011::00:22:12 ===
          supervisor: {local,sasl_sup}
             started: [{pid,<0.36.0>},

=PROGRESS REPORT==== 18-Jun-2011::00:22:12 ===
         application: sasl
          started_at: nonode@nohost
Eshell V5.8.4  (abort with ^G)
=PROGRESS REPORT==== 18-Jun-2011::00:22:12 ===
          supervisor: {local,crypto_sup}
             started: [{pid,<0.47.0>},

=PROGRESS REPORT==== 18-Jun-2011::00:22:12 ===
         application: crypto
          started_at: nonode@nohost

=PROGRESS REPORT==== 18-Jun-2011::00:22:12 ===
         application: public_key
          started_at: nonode@nohost

=PROGRESS REPORT==== 18-Jun-2011::00:22:12 ===
          supervisor: {local,ssl_sup}
             started: [{pid,<0.53.0>},

=PROGRESS REPORT==== 18-Jun-2011::00:22:12 ===
          supervisor: {local,ssl_sup}
             started: [{pid,<0.54.0>},

=PROGRESS REPORT==== 18-Jun-2011::00:22:12 ===
          supervisor: {local,ssl_sup}
             started: [{pid,<0.55.0>},

=PROGRESS REPORT==== 18-Jun-2011::00:22:12 ===
         application: ssl
          started_at: nonode@nohost

=PROGRESS REPORT==== 18-Jun-2011::00:22:12 ===
          supervisor: {local,ibrowse_sup}
             started: [{pid,<0.60.0>},

=PROGRESS REPORT==== 18-Jun-2011::00:22:12 ===
         application: ibrowse
          started_at: nonode@nohost

=PROGRESS REPORT==== 18-Jun-2011::00:22:12 ===
          supervisor: {local,couchbeam_sup}
             started: [{pid,<0.63.0>},
2> application:start(couchbeam).

=PROGRESS REPORT==== 18-Jun-2011::00:22:25 ===
          supervisor: {local,couchbeam_sup}
             started: [{pid,<0.69.0>},

=PROGRESS REPORT==== 18-Jun-2011::00:22:25 ===
         application: couchbeam
          started_at: nonode@nohost
3> application:start(st_db).  

=PROGRESS REPORT==== 18-Jun-2011::00:22:26 ===
          supervisor: {local,inet_gethost_native_sup}
             started: [{pid,<0.79.0>},{mfa,{inet_gethost_native,init,[[]]}}]

=PROGRESS REPORT==== 18-Jun-2011::00:22:26 ===
          supervisor: {local,kernel_safe_sup}
             started: [{pid,<0.78.0>},
=PROGRESS REPORT==== 18-Jun-2011::00:22:26 ===
          supervisor: {local,st_db_sup}
             started: [{pid,<0.75.0>},

=PROGRESS REPORT==== 18-Jun-2011::00:22:26 ===
         application: st_db
          started_at: nonode@nohost
benoitc commented 13 years ago

I don't reproduce :/ Did you add couchbeam to your applications need in your .app ?

$ erl -pa ebin -pa deps/ibrowse/ebin -s couchbeam
Erlang R14B03 (erts-5.8.4) [source] [64-bit] [smp:2:2] [rq:2] [async-threads:0] [hipe] [kernel-poll:false]

Eshell V5.8.4  (abort with ^G)
=PROGRESS REPORT==== 18-Jun-2011::09:05:46 ===
          supervisor: {local,sasl_safe_sup}
             started: [{pid,<0.44.0>},

=PROGRESS REPORT==== 18-Jun-2011::09:05:46 ===
          supervisor: {local,sasl_safe_sup}
             started: [{pid,<0.45.0>},

=PROGRESS REPORT==== 18-Jun-2011::09:05:46 ===
          supervisor: {local,sasl_sup}
             started: [{pid,<0.43.0>},

=PROGRESS REPORT==== 18-Jun-2011::09:05:46 ===
          supervisor: {local,sasl_sup}
             started: [{pid,<0.46.0>},

=PROGRESS REPORT==== 18-Jun-2011::09:05:46 ===
         application: sasl
          started_at: nonode@nohost

=PROGRESS REPORT==== 18-Jun-2011::09:05:46 ===
          supervisor: {local,ssl_sup}
             started: [{pid,<0.52.0>},

=PROGRESS REPORT==== 18-Jun-2011::09:05:46 ===
          supervisor: {local,ssl_sup}
             started: [{pid,<0.53.0>},

=PROGRESS REPORT==== 18-Jun-2011::09:05:46 ===
          supervisor: {local,ssl_sup}
             started: [{pid,<0.54.0>},

=PROGRESS REPORT==== 18-Jun-2011::09:05:46 ===
         application: ssl
          started_at: nonode@nohost

=PROGRESS REPORT==== 18-Jun-2011::09:05:46 ===
          supervisor: {local,ibrowse_sup}
             started: [{pid,<0.59.0>},

=PROGRESS REPORT==== 18-Jun-2011::09:05:46 ===
         application: ibrowse
          started_at: nonode@nohost

=PROGRESS REPORT==== 18-Jun-2011::09:05:46 ===
          supervisor: {local,couchbeam_sup}
             started: [{pid,<0.62.0>},
1> S = couchbeam:server_connection().
2> couchbeam:server_info(S).

=PROGRESS REPORT==== 18-Jun-2011::09:10:11 ===
          supervisor: {local,inet_gethost_native_sup}
             started: [{pid,<0.68.0>},{mfa,{inet_gethost_native,init,[[]]}}]

=PROGRESS REPORT==== 18-Jun-2011::09:10:11 ===
          supervisor: {local,kernel_safe_sup}
             started: [{pid,<0.67.0>},
DimitryDushkin commented 13 years ago


{application, st_db,
  {description, "DB adapter server"},
  {vsn, "1.0.0"},
  {registered, []},
  {modules, [st_db_app, st_db_sup, st_db]},
  {applications, [
  {mod, { st_db_app, []}},
  {env, []}

In your case there is also no progress report of couchbeam started on node, but everything seems works. It's kinda strange.

benoitc commented 13 years ago

couchbeam is started locally:

=PROGRESS REPORT==== 18-Jun-2011::09:05:46 ===
          supervisor: {local,couchbeam_sup}
             started: [{pid,<0.62.0>},
DimitryDushkin commented 13 years ago

Well, I have app "st_db" with gen_server behavior:

start_link() ->
    gen_server:start_link(?MODULE, ["localhost", 5984, "site_stater"], []).

init([Server, Port, DB]) ->
    CouchServer = couchbeam:server_connection(Server, Port, "", []),
    {ok, CouchDB} = couchbeam:open_or_create_db(CouchServer, DB, []),
    {ok, #state{db_pid=CouchDB, server_pid=CouchServer}}.

If I run test like

db_write_delete_test() ->
    {ok, Pid} = st_db:start_link(),
    Doc = {[
            {<<"url">>, ""},
            {<<"status">>, <<"test">>},
            {<<"timestamp">>, 0}
    {ok, NewDoc} = gen_server:call(Pid, {save_doc, Doc}),
    ?assertMatch({ok, Result},
                 gen_server:call(Pid, {delete_doc, NewDoc})),
    gen_server:cast(Pid, stop).

Everything OK. Now I have another app – "st_site_checker" which is using "st_db" app. I want to start "couchbeam" to start "st_db" to start "st_site_checker" (makefile):

ERL ?= erl
APP := st_site_checker

.PHONY: all test clean compile

    @./rebar compile

test:   all
    @./rebar skip_deps=true eunit

    @./rebar clean

    @erl -noshell -run edoc_run application '$(APP)' '"."' '[]'

start:  all
    erl -pa ../$(APP)/ebin ../st_db/ebin ../st_db/deps/*/ebin -boot start_sasl -s couchbeam -s st_db -s $(APP)

So I had this error:

macbook-pro-15:st_site_checker dimitry$ make start
==> st_site_checker (compile)
erl -pa ../st_site_checker/ebin ../st_db/ebin ../st_db/deps/*/ebin -boot start_sasl -s couchbeam -s st_db -s st_site_checker
Erlang R14B03 (erts-5.8.4) [source] [smp:4:4] [rq:4] [async-threads:0] [hipe] [kernel-poll:false]

=PROGRESS REPORT==== 18-Jun-2011::11:49:11 ===
          supervisor: {local,sasl_safe_sup}
             started: [{pid,<0.34.0>},

=PROGRESS REPORT==== 18-Jun-2011::11:49:11 ===
          supervisor: {local,sasl_safe_sup}
             started: [{pid,<0.35.0>},

=PROGRESS REPORT==== 18-Jun-2011::11:49:11 ===
          supervisor: {local,sasl_sup}
             started: [{pid,<0.33.0>},

=PROGRESS REPORT==== 18-Jun-2011::11:49:11 ===
          supervisor: {local,sasl_sup}
             started: [{pid,<0.36.0>},

=PROGRESS REPORT==== 18-Jun-2011::11:49:11 ===
         application: sasl
          started_at: nonode@nohost
Eshell V5.8.4  (abort with ^G)
=PROGRESS REPORT==== 18-Jun-2011::11:49:11 ===
          supervisor: {local,crypto_sup}
             started: [{pid,<0.46.0>},

=PROGRESS REPORT==== 18-Jun-2011::11:49:11 ===
         application: crypto
          started_at: nonode@nohost

=PROGRESS REPORT==== 18-Jun-2011::11:49:11 ===
         application: public_key
          started_at: nonode@nohost

=PROGRESS REPORT==== 18-Jun-2011::11:49:11 ===
          supervisor: {local,ssl_sup}
             started: [{pid,<0.52.0>},

=PROGRESS REPORT==== 18-Jun-2011::11:49:11 ===
          supervisor: {local,ssl_sup}
             started: [{pid,<0.53.0>},

=PROGRESS REPORT==== 18-Jun-2011::11:49:11 ===
          supervisor: {local,ssl_sup}
             started: [{pid,<0.54.0>},

=PROGRESS REPORT==== 18-Jun-2011::11:49:11 ===
         application: ssl
          started_at: nonode@nohost

=PROGRESS REPORT==== 18-Jun-2011::11:49:11 ===
          supervisor: {local,ibrowse_sup}
             started: [{pid,<0.59.0>},

=PROGRESS REPORT==== 18-Jun-2011::11:49:11 ===
         application: ibrowse
          started_at: nonode@nohost

=PROGRESS REPORT==== 18-Jun-2011::11:49:11 ===
          supervisor: {local,couchbeam_sup}
             started: [{pid,<0.62.0>},
{"init terminating in do_boot",{undef,[{st_db,start,[]},{init,start_it,1},{init,start_em,1}]}}

Crash dump was written to: erl_crash.dump
init terminating in do_boot ()
make: *** [start] Error 1

I'm no stupid, really!) I know lots of programming languages, but this one killing me, but it has strage charm.)

benoitc commented 13 years ago

Hum i've no problem to start it as a release. Maybe youcan join

couchdbkit to discuss about it I will be there this afternoon (i'm on

utc+1 zone right now).

On Sat, Jun 18, 2011 at 9:50 AM, DimitryDushkin wrote:

Well, I have app  "st_db"  with gen_server behavior:

start_link() ->
   gen_server:start_link(?MODULE, ["localhost", 5984, "site_stater"], []).

init([Server, Port, DB]) ->
       CouchServer = couchbeam:server_connection(Server, Port, "", []),
   {ok, CouchDB} = couchbeam:open_or_create_db(CouchServer, DB, []),
   {ok, #state{db_pid=CouchDB, server_pid=CouchServer}}.

If I run test like

db_write_delete_test() ->
       {ok, Pid} = st_db:start_link(),
       Doc = {[
                       {<<"url">>, ""},
                       {<<"status">>, <<"test">>},
                       {<<"timestamp">>, 0}
       {ok, NewDoc} = gen_server:call(Pid, {save_doc, Doc}),
       ?assertMatch({ok, Result},
                                gen_server:call(Pid, {delete_doc, NewDoc})),
       gen_server:cast(Pid, stop).

Everything OK. Now I have another app – "st_site_checker" which is using "st_db" app. I want to start "couchbeam" to start "st_db" to start "st_site_checker" (makefile):

ERL ?= erl
APP := st_site_checker

.PHONY: all test clean compile

       @./rebar compile

test:   all
       @./rebar skip_deps=true eunit

       @./rebar clean

       @erl -noshell -run edoc_run application '$(APP)' '"."' '[]'

start:  all
       erl -pa ../$(APP)/ebin ../st_db/ebin ../st_db/deps/*/ebin -boot start_sasl -s couchbeam -s st_db -s $(APP)
So I had this error:

macbook-pro-15:st_site_checker dimitry$ make start ==> st_site_checker (compile) erl -pa ../st_site_checker/ebin ../st_db/ebin ../st_db/deps/*/ebin -boot start_sasl -s couchbeam -s st_db -s st_site_checker Erlang R14B03 (erts-5.8.4) [source] [smp:4:4] [rq:4] [async-threads:0] [hipe] [kernel-poll:false]

=PROGRESS REPORT==== 18-Jun-2011::11:49:11 ===          supervisor: {local,sasl_safe_sup}             started: [{pid,<0.34.0>},                       {name,alarm_handler},                       {mfargs,{alarm_handler,start_link,[]}},                       {restart_type,permanent},                       {shutdown,2000},                       {child_type,worker}]

=PROGRESS REPORT==== 18-Jun-2011::11:49:11 ===          supervisor: {local,sasl_safe_sup}             started: [{pid,<0.35.0>},                       {name,overload},                       {mfargs,{overload,start_link,[]}},                       {restart_type,permanent},                       {shutdown,2000},                       {child_type,worker}]

=PROGRESS REPORT==== 18-Jun-2011::11:49:11 ===          supervisor: {local,sasl_sup}             started: [{pid,<0.33.0>},                       {name,sasl_safe_sup},                       {mfargs,                           {supervisor,start_link,                               [{local,sasl_safe_sup},sasl,safe]}},                       {restart_type,permanent},                       {shutdown,infinity},                       {child_type,supervisor}]

=PROGRESS REPORT==== 18-Jun-2011::11:49:11 ===          supervisor: {local,sasl_sup}             started: [{pid,<0.36.0>},                       {name,release_handler},                       {mfargs,{release_handler,start_link,[]}},                       {restart_type,permanent},                       {shutdown,2000},                       {child_type,worker}]

=PROGRESS REPORT==== 18-Jun-2011::11:49:11 ===         application: sasl          started_at: nonode@nohost Eshell V5.8.4  (abort with ^G) 1> =PROGRESS REPORT==== 18-Jun-2011::11:49:11 ===          supervisor: {local,crypto_sup}             started: [{pid,<0.46.0>},                       {name,crypto_server},                       {mfargs,{crypto_server,start_link,[]}},                       {restart_type,permanent},                       {shutdown,2000},                       {child_type,worker}]

=PROGRESS REPORT==== 18-Jun-2011::11:49:11 ===         application: crypto          started_at: nonode@nohost

=PROGRESS REPORT==== 18-Jun-2011::11:49:11 ===         application: public_key          started_at: nonode@nohost

=PROGRESS REPORT==== 18-Jun-2011::11:49:11 ===          supervisor: {local,ssl_sup}             started: [{pid,<0.52.0>},                       {name,ssl_broker_sup},                       {mfargs,{ssl_broker_sup,start_link,[]}},                       {restart_type,permanent},                       {shutdown,2000},                       {child_type,supervisor}]

=PROGRESS REPORT==== 18-Jun-2011::11:49:11 ===          supervisor: {local,ssl_sup}             started: [{pid,<0.53.0>},                       {name,ssl_manager},                       {mfargs,{ssl_manager,start_link,[[]]}},                       {restart_type,permanent},                       {shutdown,4000},                       {child_type,worker}]

=PROGRESS REPORT==== 18-Jun-2011::11:49:11 ===          supervisor: {local,ssl_sup}             started: [{pid,<0.54.0>},                       {name,ssl_connection},                       {mfargs,{ssl_connection_sup,start_link,[]}},                       {restart_type,permanent},                       {shutdown,4000},                       {child_type,supervisor}]

=PROGRESS REPORT==== 18-Jun-2011::11:49:11 ===         application: ssl          started_at: nonode@nohost

=PROGRESS REPORT==== 18-Jun-2011::11:49:11 ===          supervisor: {local,ibrowse_sup}             started: [{pid,<0.59.0>},                       {name,ibrowse},                       {mfargs,{ibrowse,start_link,[]}},                       {restart_type,permanent},                       {shutdown,2000},                       {child_type,worker}]

=PROGRESS REPORT==== 18-Jun-2011::11:49:11 ===         application: ibrowse          started_at: nonode@nohost

=PROGRESS REPORT==== 18-Jun-2011::11:49:11 ===          supervisor: {local,couchbeam_sup}             started: [{pid,<0.62.0>},                       {name,couchbeam},                       {mfargs,{couchbeam,start_link,[]}},                       {restart_type,permanent},                       {shutdown,2000},                       {child_type,worker}] {"init terminating in do_boot",{undef,[{st_db,start,[]},{init,start_it,1},{init,start_em,1}]}}

Crash dump was written to: erl_crash.dump init terminating in do_boot () make: *\ [start] Error 1

I'm no stupid, really!) I know lots of programming languages, but this one killing me, but it has strage charm.)

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub:
DimitryDushkin commented 13 years ago

Yeah, thank you anyway.)

benoitc commented 13 years ago

looking at your log it seems couchbeam is correctly started. Probably something in your path?

DimitryDushkin commented 13 years ago

In fact I gave up the idea to run couchbeam based app as standalone app. I've added application:start(couchbeam) to application behavior startup and now everything works. I also added this to eunit and all tests have passed.

benoitc commented 13 years ago

On Tue, Jul 5, 2011 at 10:45 AM, DimitryDushkin wrote:

In fact I gave up the idea to run couchbeam based app as standalone app. I've added application:start(couchbeam) to application behavior startup and now everything works. I also added this to eunit and all tests have passed.

well erica is runnig couchbeam as a standalone app also other apps too. Pretty sure there is something.We could talk about it later in the day if you want or irc #couchdbkit. Will be online around 6 PM UTC+1.

  • benoît